Nor me frankly, but maybe it would affect the eggs or make the environment
unfriendly to the worms perhaps?  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Norton, Steve
Date: 26/06/2009 01:30:07
Subject: Re: CS>15 drops of SC will deworm ...
Interesting. I would not have expected the silver to affect the worms. 
- Steve N

From: lampley lane <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Thu Jun 25 15:41:59 2009
Subject: CS>15 drops of SC will deworm ... 

Not going to get graphic, but I took 5 drops of silver citrate 3 times in
one day, and I got dewormed lol! Wasn't expecting that, but I had used green
black walnut hull tincture several times in my life, with the same results
once. Now I've had these same results taking SC, and I feel much better too!
Pretty good stuff! I'm very new to silver of any kind. I'm very impressed.
Ickie subject, but important to our overall health so I wanted to share lol.
Blessings, Little Bird 
