Hi Tel,
I haven't tested any of the other generators, but from what I've researched,
the colloidal Master appealed to me most. I also like the way it looks, nice
and neat, and its a good idea to test the water purity beforehand, which is
easily done with the Colloidal Master. Another plus is that all you do is
set the dial on the front to the desired ppm, switch on the switch and press
the button. It shuts off automatically, when the water reaches the desired
ppm setting. Easy peasy. Its all I need, except maybe a tester for the ppm
in the water.

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Tel Tofflemire <telt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Oh no you don't, I have see, used, tested, sent back several of the so
> called top CS makers including the over rated Silver Puppy. I have been at
> this for over 40 years. My Dad and Grandfather long before that.
> Tel Tofflemire
> Dewey, AZ.