Patty wrote:
> Is it ok to use DMSO on an artificial joint?  

This question is a few days old. I'm answering to the list and sending 
a separate copy direct to Patty...

I have a friend who tore up both knees (major soft-tissue damage) in an 
industrial accident several years ago. Had something like 7 surgeries 
on one knee, including a joint replacement. The surgeon left a screw 
sticking out such that it caused massive inflammation and wouldn't heal 
properly, necessitating some of the surgeries.

Anyway, I told him about DMSO a month ago and he started sponging it on 
a couple times a day. He's now down to a splash every couple of days. 
He's diluting to about 35%. 

Since practically the first day he's been raving over how pain-free his 
knees are and is completely overjoyed with the benefits so far. He's 
able to go without his elastic braces most of the time now.

So, that's one example for you, Patty. It's clearly helped eliminate 
some chronic inflammation and promote at least some additional healing. 
That's no guarantee that there won't be problems for him in the future, 
or that it'll work similarly for you. Obviously you'll want to be 
careful and coordinate with your medical advisors.

I've suggested that he go a few more weeks and then stop using it for a 
week or two or until symptoms return. That's as a way to find out if 
the healing is actually permanent or if there's still some organic 
cause for inflammation that will necessitate ongoing use.

Hope that helps!

Mike D.

> Is it ok to use DMSO on an artificial joint?  I overdid walking and all
> since the knee wasn't hurting at all, but the next day it must have had
> internal swelling and I couldn't stand on it at all without knife
> stabbing pains unless I kept it stiff.  That was a week ago and the knee
> is still not back to where it was, even with much icing and elevation. 
> Now 11 weeks past surgery.  I was going to get it checked out, but of
> course, this is the week the surgeon is on vacation.
>                                     Pat

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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