I wouldn't be without both GSE and Colloidal Silver 
Below is an extract posted on the Silverlist back in 2007 by Carol Ann when 
she was dialoging with Dee about Fungus. 
BTW, where is Carol Ann? 

I purchased 'NutriBiotic (The Original) GSE Liquid Concentrate' at Whole
after reading about it and have never been without it since. 
It is a Citricidal and has been used successfully for both external, as well
internal conditions. It comes in liquid and capsule form. 

What I have also read on these lists over the years is that it is especially
useful for bronchits, asthma, etc.  You have to highly dilute this product
with water before taking it internally.

Sorry the article is so long - but, it is well worth it if you have never 
come across it before. 
Why Grapefruit Seed Extract? 
After 30 years in use by naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general 
public grapefruit seed extract has been proven to be a safe and effective 
multipurpose (broad spectrum) compound with countless uses. 
Grapefruit seed extract is being used successfully in humans and animals 
alike to eliminate many types of internal and external infections caused 
from parasites (single and multi-celled), viruses, bacteria, fungus and 
The greatest benefit is due to it's multipurpose (broad spectrum) effect. 
Grapefruit seed extract is effective even if the causes of the infections 
are known, unknown or misdiagnosed. Grapefruit seed extract naturally 
detoxifies, enhances and supports the immune system. 
Grapefruit seed extract contains high levels of vitamin C and E, and 
bioflavonoids. The important substances have an antioxidant action and can 
neutralize free radicals that damage cells and cause a number of illnesses. 
Another important benefit of grapefruit seed extract is that it is helpful 
in alkalizing the blood. Alkalizing the body fluids (raising pH) is one of 
the single most important health regeneration benefits available as disease 
causing microforms (fungi, bacteria, virus etc.) cannot survive in an 
alkaline oxygenated environment. Though lemons, limes, and grapefruits are 
chemically acid, tests show that when they are metabolized in the body they 
actually have an alkalizing effect. They have very little sugar and they 
contain an abundance of oxygen. This is a plus for anyone fighting candida 
or any other disease. Conclusion: Eat more fresh vegetables and less 
processed foods as most all vegetables are alkaline forming in the body. 
Grapefruit seed extract is effective at very low concentrations. During 
1989-90, an international research team (reported in the Journal of 
Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 5, No. 3, USA, 1990) examined the effects of

GSE and compared this with 30 effective antibiotics and 18 proven fungicides

GSE was found to perform as well as any and all of the tested agents. 
Without the harsh side effects. It is a natural alternative to strong 
Grapefruit seed extract is nontoxic. According to an independent laboratory 
testing "Acute Oral Toxicity", it would take at least 4,000 times the normal

dose of gse to produce a 50% chance of poisoning (called LD50). 
Because grapefruit seed extract does not exhibit the harsh side effects and 
high cost of pharmaceuticals it is becoming the alternative health choice 
for naturopathic physicians, clinics and the general public. 
Internal uses include but not limited to: Digestive Upsets, Gastrointestinal

Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Infections from: Parasites (single 
and multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections, 
Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Oral Infections: Tooth Plaque, Gum Disorders, 
Breath Freshener and Mouthwash. Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat, 
Ear Inflammation / Pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis and much more! 
External uses include but not limited to: Acne, Athletes Foot, Nail Fungus 
Infections. Skin Infections: Fungal / Bacterial / Parasitic / Viral / 
Ringworm, Cuts / Wounds. Warts, Poison Ivy/Poison Oak, Rashes, Jock Itch, 
Shaving Itch, Dandruff, Cold Sores / Herpes, Head Lice, Chickenpox, Cracked 
Lips, Toothbrush Cleaning and much more! 
Physicians have observed that the herpes simplex virus becomes inactive just

ten minutes after the application of grapefruit seed extract. 
One of the most important applications for grapefruit seed extract is in the

support and protection of individuals with chronic immune system problems. 
See more: benefits of grapefruit seed extract. 
How Does Grapefruit Extract Work? 
According to studies, the activity of the active ingredient of grapefruit 
seed extract appears to develop in the cytoplasmic membrane of the 
microorganisms. The active ingredients of the extract disorganize the 
cytoplasmic membrane, thereby preventing the uptake of amino acids. 
At the same time, there is a leakage of the cellular contents with low 
molecular weight through the cytoplasmic membrane. The pathogen is then 
inactivated. The time for this is generally shorter than that of most 
comparable preparations. 
Grapefruit seed extract does not allow germs to build up a resistance. To 
date there is no evidence that any type of organism has ever built up a 
resistance to grapefruit seed extracts active ingredient. Due to the mode of

its activity it is believed that this resistance is impossible as grapefruit

seed extract disrupts the organisms cytoplasmic membrane. 
What is not known is how GSE can affect the cell membranes of such a diverse

group of microbes with virtually no toxicity toward animal life (The "Acute 
Oral Toxicity Study" performed by an independent laboratory concluded that 
you would have to take 4,000 times the normal adult dose to risk a 50% 
chance of poisoning). And to complicate matters further, since viruses do 
not have a cell membrane of their own, how is it that GSE can act as a 
remedy as it does. 
Grapefruit Seed Extract and Protozoan Infections 
Louis Parish, M.D., investigator for the department of health and human 
services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, reported in 
his prospectus for the FDA that grapefruit seed extract is "...as effective 
as any other preparation now available, perhaps more effective ... it does 
not cause the side effects." For intestinal problems, including dysentery he

believes that grapefruit seed extract, "Gives more symptomatic relief than 
any other treatment." 
Nearly 200 patients were treated for Entamoeba histolytica and giardia 
lamblia by Dr. Parish and his associates over a two month period. Dr. Parish

went on to say "it (grapefruit seed extract) gives symptomatic relief more 
than any other product. It would be hard to overstate the value of 
grapefruit seed extract to my medical practice. It has no inherent toxicity.

Grapefruit Seed Extract 
Candida Yeast Infections & Parasitic Infections 
By Dr. Leo Galland 
There's something unique about this particular substance (grapefruit seed 
extract). Whatever it does, it does without the debilitating side effects. 
It has the advantage of being very safe. In the treatment of candidiasis it 
appears as effective as nystatin, caprylic acid, and other non-absorbed 
intestinal antifungal agents. 
Dr. Galland considers the availability of grapefruit seed extract to be ".. 
a major therapeutic breakthrough for patients with chronic parasitic and 
yeast infections..." 
Many drug sensitive individuals find GSE to be much better tolerated than 
other antifungal preparations, and I have several patients in whom this 
product alone helped control chronic candidiasis when no other medication 
was tolerated or effective. In a test of 20 patients with vaginal yeast 
infection, 15 had relief of their symptoms in only 3 days after douching 
with grapefruit seed extract every 12 hours. 
Grapefruit Extract Safety 
Grapefruit seed extract has been extensively tested and proven safe and 
effective by many laboratories and research centers throughout the world. 
Grapefruit seed extract has no inherent toxicity and exhibits only minimal 
impact on beneficial intestinal bacteria. There are no known side effects, 
however it is possible that Grapefruit Seed Extract could interact with 
medications that warn against consuming grapefruit while using their 
It is non-allergenic. Even people who are allergic to citrus have had no 
adverse reactions. This is largely due to its harmonizing effects to cope 
with body stress. Although about 3 to 5 per cent of all people are allergic 
to citrus fruit and could therefore also display a sensitive reaction to 
grapefruit seed extract. These people should start with a low dosage and 
perform a patch test to be sure. 
Grapefruit seed extract has been safely used worldwide for over 25 years by 
countless doctors, alternative health care practitioners and veterinarians. 
How is Grapefruit Extract Made? 
Grapefruit extract (GSE) is made by first converting grapefruit seeds and 
pulp into a very acidic liquid. This liquid is loaded with polyphenolic 
compounds, including quercitin, helperidin, campherol glycoside, 
neohelperidin, naringin, apigenin, rutinoside, poncirin, etc. 
The polyphenols themselves are unstable but are chemically converted into 
more stable substances that belong to a diverse class of products called 
quaternary ammonium compounds. Some quaternary compounds, benzethonium 
chloride and benzalkonium chloride, for example, are used industrially as 
antimicrobials, but are toxic to animal life. The B vitamin choline is also 
a quaternary compound, but is nontoxic and even essential for maintaining 
healthy neurological function and fat metabolism. 
Grapefruit extract features the best of both worlds. While evidencing none 
of the toxic side-effects of chemically-derived quaternaries. 
The finished product is a viscous, yellow-amber colored liquid that features

a taste that is both bitter and acidic. Pure vegetable glycerin is added to 
reduce the bitterness and acidity to a tolerable level and to reduce the 
possibility that incidental contact could cause irritation to the skin or 
mucous membranes. Grapefruit seed extract has a slight citrus smell. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Del 
Date: 07/19/09 04:35:58 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>fungus 
GSE is definitely anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, so it is great to use 
externally, diluted with distilled water (not sure about internal use, but 
people do use it that way, APPROPRIATELY DILUTED, and it supposedly cures 
candida). I got skin rash from every deodorant product out there, including 
the "hypo-allergenic" and the mineral stone, but not from GSE, and it 
removes odor all day. Granted, there may be a few people allergic, but it 
is far less likely than with any other product I know of, since it is the 
only one I did not react to. It also keeps my underarm skin healthy, so I 
highly recommend trying it. I spray the same stuff on my feet if I suspect 
a fungus problem, and it takes care of it right away. 

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