"Yes, though some states do try to push vax via public schools, there
is usually an opt-out clause. And of course, there is no law that
requires children to attend *public* schools.

No, but their are plenty of restrictions put in place by the government (and 
supported by teacher's unions) that severely restrict other options.  The 
voucher program for inner-city kids in DC?  Worked great, killed by the current 
administration (temporarily extended after outcry by the parents of students 
currently in the program).  The concept is targeted at every turn, with 
precisely the goal of eliminating that option for most and forcing "customers" 
into the public school system.  Trust the government at your peril.
---- Indi <indi.sha...@gmail.com> wrote: 


Hi Kathryn,

On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 10:31:48AM -0500, Clayton Family wrote:
> To opt out you just need to fill out a form that says you object to it,  
> and sign it in front of a notary, then turn it in.

Yes, though some states do try to push vax via public schools, there
is usually an opt-out clause. And of course, there is no law that
requires children to attend *public* schools.

> I also do not agree with the lines of thought expressed by the link- no  
> one in their right mind would sign such a document no matter what their  
> belief. The document is non sensical and illogical.

I agree, it reads like a bad joke.
But a surprising number of people display little capacity for critical
thinking and are easily swayed by such paranoid talk. 

"Fear of govt regulation plays right into the hands of big corporate 
interests -- and regulation is the only thing that keeps them from 
owning us outright."

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