

I couldn't either when I tried later.  What I did was stop the copy after the 
.com and left off the rest.  It took me to the site.  Then you just have to 
meander to find what you need.  Sorry, I copied it from file as saved.



Subject: Re: CS>Emphysema-Brooks Bradley
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 17:32:08 +0100

I couldn't make this link work.  dee

On 10 Aug 2009, at 17:16, Dianne France wrote:

Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 13:00:01 -0500
From: Brooks Bradley <>
Subject: CS>OT:  Semi-coherent Ramblings
Organization: Harborne Research Foundation
Dear List members,
I have a comment, regarding emphysema, I believe will be of some
interest to some.  However, in addition, I feel compelled to revisit
another of my subliminal compulsions regarding the current
"state-of-the-health" of the world ... an affliction I seem unable to
Back in January, 2003, one of our staff happened across a posting made by Dr. 
Walt Stoll, on his website. It appeared innocuous on the surface of things, but 
our staffer decided to follow-up on the prospects ... himself.  His immediate, 
excellent responses emanating from a single test case ... prompted great 
excitement on his behalf.  I will not consume additional of your time and 
attention to elaborate further, than to say the positive results achieved with 
a 72 year old female (long-term smoker) were little short of astounding. For 
those interested in a possible aid for late-stage emphysema investigate for 
yourself.  The url is:

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.