For that same SHTF scenario, I've been collecting info on this very thing, 
and getting details on what plants are edible and which are not.  Also 
experimenting with my mega-HP blender.  Whole strawberries, hull, greens and 
all, are good.  Whole watermelon with the rind, not so much.  
"Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself." William Faulkner 

----- Original Message ----
From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:24:29 AM
Subject: CS>C grows on trees

Dan wrote:

>It grows on trees (bushes actually).  See rosehips.<

Hey folks- 

I have so much going on that I just can't be everywhere and had to drop
participation here a while back. (Sorry Craig for not getting back to you
but I will sooner or later.) 

Someone forwarded Brooks' post to me and, because of my wife's issue with a
breast tumor, I was nearly ecstatic about it. A friend and I have ordered a
case of Livon Labs Liposomal C and we're splitting it. Friend has a retail
business and license so Livon sold wholesale to her, but be it known that
they won't do that unless you can prove you have a retail biz. 

Another friend found out that our local Harbor Freight store has the
ultrasonic cleaner on sale right now and she's getting one for me and one
for herself today.

Now about C growing on trees...Yes it really does and most of you will be
stunned to learn just how easy it is to come by: pine needles. Any species.
Google pine, needles, vitamin C, tea, soup. I was originally sent this info
by the same friend who alerted me to Brooks recent post (Thanks Renee!) but
I forgot about it. My recent focus on my wife's health, plus my general
interest in survival, made me start looking around again for what would be
the best source of C in a SHTF scenario. Well here in the eastern Carolinas,
that sure won't be a problem. A handful of pine needles has as much C as 5-6
lemons. White pine is supposed to be the best but any pine will do. We are
overrun with Loblolly here.

You can eat them but who wants to do that. Best to make a tea.

Cedar is supposed to be nearly as good. 


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