I've been lurking, reading the various posts past couple weeks, as a new
list member. I came from the Rife list, am new to that too. I've been
making CS for over a year, but had no other info on it other than by
using salt, from Thomas Miller's website. I had only recently found out
about making CS with no salt, just before also hearing about the Rife
and silver mailing lists. I have certainly enjoyed having my horizons
vastly expanded, through contact with both lists.
Is there a silver list Archive somewhere? I found the Rife archives but
not the silver list.

As I get my silver list in the Digest form, can some computer expert on
the list tell me how to safely expunge the Happy 99 virus message (which
I of course did not open) from my Digest without "Deleting" the entire
Digest, as I'd like to save all the Digests.

I read a post about using CS preventing plaque forming on your teeth. Is
this a bonafide use of CS, or something that happened to occur to

I have found that taking a swig of CS just before I go to the dentist
for my 6-month's teeth cleaning, and then taking another swig
immediately after leaving the office really works for me. I used to
always get a mild flu within 2 days of each teeth cleaning--I imagine
from swallowing some of the nasty stuff that comes off your teeth during
the cleaning. The flu symptoms would only last for 3 or 4 days, but I
would always get it. Since using the CS, I have not had a single
reoccurrence of the flu symptoms.

Thanks to Marsha for her generous arrangement of supplying silver wire
to new users. You might be interested in my source of .999 fine silver.
I buy my silver as "Bezel, fine silver, .999 fine" from a local gem and
jewelry-making supply store (Mountain View, CA). This comes in a strip
form, in various widths. I buy the 3/32" wide. It is very inexpensive. A
36" length of 3/32" wide bezel cost me $9.72 in June 1999. As you only
use two strips about 6" long, you can see the cost is almost minimal,
and of course the strips last a very long time for CS usage. Even if you
use a piece of Scothbrite pad to clean the electrodes after each use
(which I do), I have yet to make any visible change in the strips I've
been using.

I haven't seen a posting about the inexpensive $14.90 Hanna portable
pocket TDS meter, listed as a "promotional" item on their website. I
bought one and it appears to do a decent job for CS measuring. It may
not be absolutely accurate for true dissolved silver ppm, but it will
certainly give you a relative indication of the CS you're making. It's
interesting to test various brands of distilled water with it. At least
one brand reads 2ppm for the "pure" water alone. Right after receiving
my TDS meter I did a number of runs using my several brands of DW and
different run times. (I should add I'm finally a convert to the
"no-salt" CS generation process.) For the first time since switching
from using salt, I finally got various shades of yellow. Before that I
had thought obtaining a yellow CS was some type of mystical process
unobtainable by ordinary mortals. Several batches initally were clear,
but 12-16 hours later had turned yellow. I wonder what that means? One
batch, using a new brand I found in a local drugstore (Crystal DW from
Santa Cruz, CA) initially was clear, but next day had turned a weird
metallic blue, with a light layer of dark silver settled out on the
jar's bottom. A day later the solution had turned a menacing black
color, with more silver on the bottom. It would seem something was wrong
with that brand of DW, or my particular jug of it.

I was fascinated by the recent posts of some saying they're drinking the
CS undiluted from the generating process. My batches all are 10-20ppm,
as read on the Hanna TDS meter, and it's impossible for me to drink that
undiluted. The mouth taste is too metallic for me to stand, and if I
swallow it, my stomach actually churns and threatens to revolt. I take a
teaspoon of CS to a couple ounces of water; then I have no problems. I
have heard that swishing it in the mouth for 5 min. or more, to
sublingually ingest the silver, is the better method, rather than just
immediately swallowing the CS solution.

Am always open to suggestions for improving my generation and usage of
CS! I should add I work in electronics and build as many of these
alternative health gadgets as I can--CS generator; magnetic pulser;
Bioelectrifier; am gathering parts to make a Rife-Bare machine..... Is
all very fascinating, and recently finding out about these silver and
Rife mailing lists is adding to my information tremendously.

Incidentally, after hearing constant references to Dr. Hulda Clark's
book, and being unable to find it at the major outlets, I have found
success with the online used book sellers, such as
http://www.bookfind.com. Just type in "Hulda Clark", and there are a
number of used book dealers with Clark's books available. I have a copy
on order right now!

Thanks to all of you who are active on these lists, making so much
information available to newcomers such as myself.
Steve in Palo Alto, CA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>