I corresponded with someone who did challenge her via email. He finally
"gave up" as she's so set in her ways. I believe she has intentionally
chosen to be vague about what she took and refuses to acknowledge the
difference between electrocolloidal silver and the silver salt prescription
she took. I feel very sorry for her and don't blame her for coming on so
strong but she is in error to assume colloidal silver would cause the same
problems as silver salts. That's nearly like comparing chlorinated city
water to a bottle of Chlorox. Silver salts are typically 1-10% silver
(compounds) whereas colloidal silver as we use is typically .0005 - .005%
silver. Big difference.

What's even odder is that her crowd would say CS doesn't even work. So why
in the world did she take "CS" for so many years for her sinus infections if
it didn't work?

IMO she was on the wrong stuff; CS probably would have helped her without
the side effects of her prescription silver product.

I don't even take it regularly and it's halted my impending sinus infections
that I used to get 3-4 or more times a year. Not to mention how it helped me
with Lyme disease beyond what the antibiotics did, faster and without
unpleasant side effects.


http://oikourgos.com/silverworks (non-commercial)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pam Whitmire <paw...@lcc.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 4:56 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Quackwatch on CS

>....seems to me someone should be questioning her. Isn't

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