Yep! I emailed her old fake blue Rosey asking what it was exactly that she 
took--no response and that was last January 1999.

And we are assuming Rosemary is a real person--if you've been to Quackwatch 
and read their nonsense--Rosemary could be a front for anyone wanting to 
discourage CS use. 
Susan L

In a message dated 99-08-22 17:14:07 EDT, you write:

<< Good old Rosemary again. I believe someone on this list said that they
 had emailed Rosey for her details and at that point it had been 8 months
 prior and they had never had an answer from her yet. Talk about
 Quackwatch - she didn't even take CS but that is what they are blaming
 her condition on....seems to me someone should be questioning her. Isn't
 it odd that so many people are taking her story at face value and
 thinking WE are the nuts?

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