Although I made only a passing comment in one of my earlier posts, it is of some moment that I elaborate on possible temperature effects upon Ultrasonic system operation.
First, do remember that the VOLUME of liquid in the cleaner tank is of consequence. The temperature of the liquid component will, in most cases, rise somewhat with the passage of time (especially in cases of uninterrupted operation). This should not be of great concern to the experimenter....IF there is always sufficient volume of liquid in the tank. MOST ultrasonic cleaners (even the cheaper ones) have fill marks on the for Minimum and one for Maximum. For obtaining the most acceptable results in MOST operations such as the one I outlined for the Encapsulation is advisable to fill the tank to at least the 2/3 level...but ABSOLUTELY
WELL ABOVE MINIMUM. There is little danger of overheating the vitamin C to a point of compromise.....but THERE IS some danger of damaging Barium Titanate or Electromagnetic
type transducers (especially the cheaper ones)...and the Harbor Freight unit IS one of the cheaper ones. Actually, the general likelihood of damaging, even the Barium Titanate transducers would only occur in cases where the experimenter "heated the liquid" before starting the US unit.
Because of the additional, useful, features on the larger (2.5 liter) ultrasonic
cleaner available at Harbor Freight (Item #95563) should be a better buy ($60.00)for persons desiring to make larger quantities of encapsulation candidates. However, the smaller unit should be quite adequate for the individual experimenter.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Re: for Jim Holmes CS>heat and vitamin c

Date : Tue, 25 Aug 2009 12:46:36 -0400

From :

To :

Main concern would be overheating the transducer and destroying it.

Time your work with a kitchen timer thingy that will chime.


My arm! said Captain Hook offhandedly.

On 8/25/2009 9:42:40 AM, arthur rambo ( wrote:

> My Ultrasonic cleaning unit sometimes runs on without stopping, and the

> liquid heats up a bit. I am wondering if it might cause the ascorbic acid

> to degenerate. Any opinions?

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