You are starting way too high. The flush is funny, at first it really is uncomfortable, after some times I got to liking it but it was never as good as the first times.

There is surprisingly alot they dont know about Niacin, what they do know is that most people quickly build up a tolerance. I started at 50mg which felt quite strong. 50mg the second time was hardly enough, 100mg the third time, then doubled it several times after that till at around 2000mg I started getting nauseous. The first time at 50mg was the most powerful flush I ever had. So yes, you calling it "uncomfortable" is an understatement, 500mg is way too much for the first times, like eating a wasabi sandwich! (I dont recommend them but the scientologists use large amounts for detox.) I have read that with many trials, people can get up to 30,000 mg with little or no flush.

2 differently sales reps at 2 different stores I trust both said the "flush free" is worthless.

I ran out of the 50mg & accidently bought sustained release 500 mg which seems to have less intense flushing but lasts longer. For detoxing the flush is critical, the action we're feeling is capillaries near the skin are being opened, (I've read they dont know why,) & blood is circulating in places we're not used to. I dont know how it affects raynaud or the brain except subjectively, it makes me feel awake & seems to be effective against my nuero-lyme. Just chatted with my sister in law, she takes it before bed & says yes, it does have a tendency to keep her awake but she works with it.

On an empty stomach I take the niacin with a detox cocktail, 3 types of Vit C, msm & magnesium "Calm" (which is an expensive source of magnesium & stevia but I like the way it fizzes.) Sometimes I precede & follow this with CS, though I am concerned about the CS forming larger molecules with the Vit C, etc. & getting stuck in the capillaries that are temporarily enlarged. (I just asked a series of questions on this topic.) Usually while the flush is happening, I take a shower, followed by a very hot bath with 2 cups epsom salts & 1 cup baking soda. All this promotes detox. (The high heat is a treatment for lyme.)

Just bought niacinimide from GNC, 50 mg, that I am taking with meals. I thought I noticed the slightest of flushes, but I was looking for it. So my recommendation is to purchase 50 mg & in a short while you will be up to the level you can take the 500 mg without discomfort.

Now you know why people dont ask me many questions! :) Good Luck


Could you tell me any different between B3 flush one and none flush one? I have flush one 500 mg. I avoid to take it after several tries, I felt so uncomfortable afterwards. I have symptoms of raynaud and somebody suggested me take Niacinamide. Thanks. Helen

<This doesn't directly answer you question but another topic from my lecture yesterday discussed the b-3 in the form of Niacinamide has recently been shown to rebuild tubulars & other good things in the brain. Anything you take to detox will be improved with any form of niacin. Good luck.