Hi Listers,
I just read the a fascinating article in Science news which I wanted to share 
with you.
The article suggests that many of the diseases that are currently 
accelerating in the US may be because of our attempts to eradicate bacteria 
and other organisms in our environment and in our bodies. I have heard this 
theory before and it makes a lot of sense to me, but this article took it one 
step further to include studies which showed that we may need our parasites 
in order to stay healthy.

Evidently, baffled by the rise of diseases such as athsma, allergies, 
automimmune diseases, rheumatiod arthritis and diabetes in the developed 
nations scientist have begun to investigate the possibility that our immune 
systems need exposure to a certain amount of bacteria and diseases in order 
to develop. With the combination of early childhood vaccinations, and our 
care to remove children from dirty or bacteria laden environments -- their 
immune systems never get the exercise they need and in later life either 
don't work well or turn on the body itself. I remember reading an earlier 
article saying that children who ate  dirt when they were little had stronger 
immune systems than those who didn't. And I believe from watching the 
children of friends and family that unvaccinated children seem to have 
helthier immune systems, whether it is because the vaccines themselves are 
dangerous, or because the children got to experience more normal childhood 
diseases as exercise I don't know. I wonder what the health comparison would 
be with children in Japan -- most of whom don't get their vaccinations until 
they are several years old (I think).
Anyhow, this article says it has something to do with stimulating the Th1 
lymphocyte system which cannot grow unless it has outside stimuli.

They cite a bunch of studies ; One of thm shows that children brought up on 
farms have less allergies than children brought up in non-farm rural 
environments  or than city kids -- the assumption being because they are 
exposed to more dirt and bacteria.
Another shows that children in large families, as well as those who enter day 
care early have less allergies -- presumably because they are exposed to more 
germs. Interestingly - the oldest children in large families were not 
protected from the allergies - since when they were little there were no 
other kids around.

But the most interesting studies were the ones that postulate that 
inflammatory bowel disease comes about because modern sanitation has largely 
wiped out parasites in our guts, leaving our immune system to mistakenly 
attack the lining of the intestines since it doesn't have anything else to 
battle. They have actually tested this theory by giving six volunteers the 
eggs of the whipworm , a helminthic parasite which is about 60 millimeters 
long. All six volunteers showed substantial improvement in the symptoms of 
their inflammatory bowel disease.

Now, that's a small study -- but even so, it raises some interesting 
questions about whether it is good for us to even try to eliminate all 
parasites and bacteria from our systems?

Don't get me wrong - I definitely intend to continue to try to kill off as 
much candida and blastocystus as I can -- but it does make me once again come 
back to thinking that health is a question of balances -- and we don't yet 
have any idea yet what those balances really are. So I'm not sure if I would 
do a maintenance dose of CS, just in case, while I will certainly continue to 
use it to readjust the balance when it gets out of whack.


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