Dear Daddybob,
In answer to your question.....although we have not, as yet, had scanning electron analysis run on any of the sodium ascorbate samples....logic, alone, would dictate a very high probability that no contravening process has occurred. My personal preference is, for obvious reasons, to use sodium ascorbate as the vitamin C fraction, instead of ascorbic acid. There may, yet, appear some element which will require sole reliance upon ascorbic acid.....but I doubt it.
Best Regards, Brooks.


---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : RE: CS>Liposomal Vit. C: Ancillary Commentary

Date : Thu, 10 Sep 2009 19:11:55 -0400

From : <>

To : <>


For those of us who are already doing this with an ultrasonic unit, and we

are using L-Ascorbic Acid per your original instructions, should we now

convert it to sodium ascorbate prior to encapsulation?

Thanks, DaddyBob

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