For MS look into Low Dose Naltrexone. is a non-discussion list created for the files and links. There are links to many email lists, info sites and studies. There are double blind placebo studies in MS,
Crohn's and FM. LDN is an immune system modulator and stops
progression of MS symptoms. There are other protocols for healing
MS lesions.

For Stroke DMSO is preventative but has also been used up to 7 days after spinal cord trauma with good results. Trouble with DMSO in a nursing home is that in the quantities needed the garlic odor would give away any stealth use as it can be strong and disturb other patients. 4cc a day orally is a suggested daily dose per Dr Stanley Jacob, who developed DMSO
in the 70's. He takes it every day now for 30+ years.


Hanneke wrote:

Earlier this week, I caught up with  some  friends and one of them is
desperate to get all and any information to help his partner towards
recovery of a stroke, recovery for as far as possible under the circumstances..

The lady in question is 58 years of age, has been suffering with MS
for a number of years and was using a Goopher/scooter for transport
since last October.
In April of this year, she suffered a stroke and has been stuck in a
nursing home ever since with the prognosis being: she will never come
out of the nursing home, is bedridden and in another 12 months when
the effects of the stroke have  mellowed out one will have a clearer
picture of what she will be like for the rest of her life  (this is
the message he was given by the medical and nursing staff of the nursing home).

She receives  physio therapy and some meds but I didn't ask what
medications, nor whether the meds were for stroke related or MS
related problems. The lady has the use of only one arm/hand, unable to walk, cannot speak other than grunt. From what I understood, apart from some memory loss, her mental abilities are in tact and the frustration and anger she feels about not being
able to communicate as she used to gets the better of her at times.
With the help of pictures she is able to let them know if she wants a
glass of water, a coffee, or ovaltine..whether she wants her hair
dryer, a comb... etc etc. This just to give an idea of how they are

She recognises the alphabet and she has been given a  children's
keyboard which has large coloured letters which she manages to press
when taking her time to hit them properly. This is connected up with a computer and shows up on computer screen. Yesterday, my daughter printed off a sheet with sign language for one hand which may help
as well  since she has the use of the one hand.

My question is: would there be a list of supplements, diet
ideas,  exercise ideas which one wouldn't hear about in a nursing
home but will help towards a recovery?

Looking forward to your responses.


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