Before you posted this vid did you even bother to find out if any of it is 
true? I think not and I have to wonder why? IMO, this is nothing more than fear 
mongering from a group who lost power and will do anything they can to get it 
back...fed fear to the masses who believe them without question. 
I have some questions for you, Leslie...
Who is this man, Greg Evenson and who does he represent?

Have any states made the Swine flu vaccine mandatory yet...Ohio?...Oklahoma?
Where did this guy get his info?...an anonymous source?...who he has to 
protect?...uh huh...yeah right.
I'm not saying the swine flu will or will not be made mandatory...anything is 
possible but you can bet I will investigate whether what I'm being told is the 
truth and at this point I do not take anything at face value especially 
from someone with an agenda.
--- On Sat, 9/12/09, Leslie <leslie1...@windstream.net> wrote:

From: Leslie <leslie1...@windstream.net>
Subject: Re: CS>MMS news
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 10:03 PM

Thanks. This has concerned me for awhile, but here is something very 
important at this time so wonder what might stop the action of this vac.

For those of you who do not believe that the Government is going to 
Quarantine anyone for not having the "N1H1 Swine Flu" vaccination,
I would like for you to watch this video, even if you think that there is a 
possibility of it please watch. This was just released yesterday
9/11/09 on Youtube during a conference in Texas.


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