Yes, Pat, there are many places, but don't expect to be able to use your health 
insurance at most of them.  I know of one in San Diego, one in Germany, a 
couple in Mexico.  

There are also doctors working in the U.S. who will help with this, but 
quietly.  I have found a few here in Chicago, near where I live, and I've 
slowly been keeping a little list of who I'd talk to "if" that ever happened.

There is a Yahoo group called "cancercured" where a lot of this is discussed.  
And, although they also use "conventional" chemo/radiation, Cancer Treatment 
Centers of America do address some alternatives...

Like Thora, I've done a lot of research without really having a need to, as 
cancer hasn't touched my family yet....
"Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try 
to be better than yourself." William Faulkner 

----- Original Message ----
From: Pat <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:22:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Chemotherapy

So, if you were diagnosed with cancer, are there places where you can go that 
will direct an alternative course of therapy?  Very few people would know just 
what to take and how much.  Also, you'd need to be monitored to see if it was 
working and you wouldn't want to go back to the regular oncologist.


----- Original Message ----
From: Bob Banever <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:58:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Chemotherapy


  It just so happens that the only type of cancer that does respond well to 
chemo is lymphoma.... Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins.  These are "liquid" cancers 
and not solid tumors (until an advanced stage).  As far as breast cancer is 
concerned... if a woman is lucky enough to have the tumor surgically removed 
that hasn't spread and is the only growth, then that will "cure" the cancer 
(but not get rid of the cause).  The chemo and radiation is done "just in case" 
but does not work well on breast or any solid tumor. By far and away 
alternative methods work better.  Cannabis oil (not hemp seed oil) is one of 
the most effective on this planet.  Oleander extract (Sutherlandia OPC), IP6, 
colloidal silver, iodine (specific for breast and thyroid cancers), cansema 
(blood root tincture) are all very effective as well but are usually used 
together.  Cannabis oil is by far the most natural and effective therapy out 
there IMO.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pat" <>
To: "silver list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:51 PM
Subject: CS>Chemotherapy

Why do these people (Health Ranger) emphatically claim that NO ONE has ever 
been cured of cancer by chemotherapy? My father in law had chemo for 
non-Hodgkins lymphoma at 85 and an interferon therapy a couple years later, 
then had heart bypass at 89 and was fine till 94. I know several women who've 
had breast cancer and after surgery and chemo have survived without cancer 
symtoms for all these years. That is just why alternative medicine proponants 
lose credibility, they make sweeping dismisals of all mainstream medical 
treatments. They are so hostile to physicians that they don't even realize that 
might try home treatment if it ever happens to me. Pat

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