Mercury Detox: Information, Tools, and Resources

Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD wrote a book on treating mercury toxicity that details using oral supplements, ALA, DMSA and DMPS. He does emphasize that all mercury amalgams must be removed, even the ones under crowns, before doing this therapy because the mercury in the remaining amalgams will be drawn back into the blood and deposit in
organs including the brain, producing greater toxicity.


Day Sutton wrote:
cilantro draws mercury out of bones and tissues so fast that the body cannot eliminate it fast enough and you get mercury back in the blood. Must use it sparingly.....

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:32 AM, kath < <>> wrote:

    If you are using cilantro for mercury removal be careful of your source.
    Since it has such a high propensity for mercury the plants can be
    contaminated before you use them, and then you are giving yourself

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dan Nave [
    Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:35 PM
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: CS>EU666...US666 ]Leslie]

    In my experience "Cilantro" is much cheaper than "Chinese Parsley"...


    On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Jonathan B. Britten
    < <>> wrote:
     > BTW, you may have been thinking of coriander rather than cholorella,
     > Marshall.
     > In Google-searching for information about parsley versus cilantro
    I found
     > lot of confusing statements and some misinformation.
     > Wikipedia provides what looks like the best overview:
     > "Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a bright green biennial herb,
     > as spice. It is common in Middle Eastern, European, and American
     > Parsley is used for its leaf in much the same way as coriander
    (which is
     > also known as Chinese parsley or cilantro), although parsley has
    a milder
     > flavor."
     > Bottom line:  for purging mercury, you want the leaves of what is
    known as
     > Chinese Parsley/ cilantro.
     > On Wednesday, Sep 16, 2009, at 11:43 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten
     >> With respect, no.
     >> There is more than kind of parsley;  cilantro is one of them.
     >> Chlorella is an algae.
     >> There are several kinds with different claimed benefits.   I
    have read
     >> mercury scavenging claims also.
     >> On Wednesday, Sep 16, 2009, at 00:13 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley
     >>> Two names, same plant.
     >>> Marshall
     >>> Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
     >>>> So does chlorella.  dee
     >>>> On 15 Sep 2009, at 00:55, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
     >>>>> Research by Y. Omura, M.D.,  indicates that cilantro effectively
     >>>>> removes mercury from the human body.
     >>>>> There are various recipes for cilantro sauces on the
    Internet, as well
     >>>>> as sources for capsules.
     >>> --
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Day Sutton <>