Most of the stories told by my Grandpa were very personal family stories that would have no meaning to outsiders. Ours have been preserved and are being passed down to successive generations of which there are three beyond myself so far. If you are looking for the generic, creation, myth stories there is a place you can go.


Wonderful collections of stories here,   some old,  some new.


zzekel...@aol.com wrote:
Sorry to jump in -- but those stories would possibly make a great book.. I already wish I could hear them-- Lois a message dated 9/29/2009 7:53:12 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, dscroggs44...@gmail.com writes:

    Yes I miss my Dad also and my Grandma for all those wonderful stories
    they told!
    Donna ACS

    > John lost a good portion of his land when they put the Parkway
    in.  It
    > cuts across the  lower part of this mountain,  but progress is
    > progress  and the Parkway  is a beautiful drive  thru the
Smokies. > We have Black Bears and Deer along with Wild Turkeys across
    > top .   They don't bother us at all.  Rarely ever even see
    them,  but
> the tracks are quite visible. My mothers people were Blackfoot, > Grampa was our storyteller. I miss him a lot.