Tell her to check out Low Dose Naltrexone. It raises endorphin levels by 300%. Cancers that are sensitive to endorphins, including lung
cancer, respond to this increase by shrinking.

Dr Bert Burkson of Las Cruces New Mexico has treated many cancer
patients with LDN and IV Alpha Lipoic Acid. Most are late stage by the time the look for alt treatments. He has video presentations on You Tube that are listed on the LDN Information list along with many other videos
from LDN conferences. is a resource list only and generates no messages. Just lots of links and files to LDN info.



Lung Cancer has reports of people taking LDN, the site owner's wife was given months to live and she has been over 18 months on LDN.

There are many more resources but these should be a good start.


Deborah Gerard wrote:
I have a 54 year old lady from another group who has sharred she has lung cancer. Any and all advice to go after this cancer would surely be appreciated by her family,
thanks deb

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