Sodium affects blood pressure of a minority of people, one out of 5, or something like that. We check her pressure several times a day, and it is typically running 115/65 with no meds now. So even if it bumped it by 5 or 10 mm, it would not be a concern.


Melly Bag wrote:
Also check out the sodium content of baking soda which might affect your wife's blood pressure. Melly

--- On *Thu, 10/1/09, Lisa /<>/* wrote:

    From: Lisa <>
    Subject: RE: CS>Alkalizing
    Date: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 5:13 PM

    I'd be interested in getting myself balanced too -- would
    alkalizing be
    similar to getting the body's ph "normal"?

    And what is MMS?



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Marshall Dudley [
    Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:58 PM
    Subject: CS>Alkalizing

    Well, now that I have gotten my wife off of her high blood pressure
    medicine, and she says she fells better than she has in over a
    decade, I
    am wanting to do the same for her diabetes medicine.  I am trying
    to get
    her alkalized and chelated.  For the alkalizing I am adding 1 drop of
    MMS per quart of water in our water tank.  I am looking at adding
    additional minerals to the water.

    Exploring sodium bicarbonate I am concerned that it is strongly
    when it hits the stomach.  This immediately reacts with the
    stomach acid
    producing CO2, water and table salt.  This can screw up digestion,
long term cause the body to produce excess acid to counteract it. The
    alkalizing is then done in the blood by the body replacing the HCl
    changing the NaCl in the blood to HCl in the stomach and sodium
    bicarbonate in the blood.  Having to produce extra HCl in an empty
    stomach concerns me, I think it can lead to digestive problems in the
    long term.  Another consideration is that baking soda makes water
    pretty bad.

    So upon investigating I found that citrates of the alkali metals are
    considered ideal for alkalizing the body.  Potassium citrate,
    which is
    often used, can lead to electrolyte imbalances, as can magnesium and
    calcium, unless they are balanced in the application.  Sodium citrate
    however is well tolerated by the body, with excessive sodium in
    the form
    of salt being quickly and easily eliminated by the kidneys.  So I am
    considering adding sodium citrate to my water as well.

    Now, it seems that sodium citrate is not readily available
    locally, but
    can be ordered from soap making suppliers.  However sodium citrate
    be easily made by adding one mol of citric acid to 3 mols of
    of soda ( 100 grams of citric acid to 85.8 grams of sodium
    ).  I have to be very careful to not put more citric acid in then is
    needed, or it will activate the MMS drops I am adding. Maybe I
    just need
    to test the pH and make sure that it is not under 7. Anyway, that is
    what I am working on, and will keep everyone posted on how thing are
    going as I try it.


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