Sandy wrote:
My Great-Grandmother was full blood Apache but she died before I had the 
opportunity to meet her. My Mother used to tell us stories about Geronimo and 
the Superstition Mountains in Arizona, my mother's birth place. She took us to 
see the bluff [Medicine Bluff] where he and his horse jumped from into the 
Medicine River to get away from the US Calvary...he lived and did get away.

My Mother was a half-breed and as a child when walking in Phoenix the white men 
would spit on her and her family and then they [the white people] would cross 
to the other side of the street so as to not be soiled by their presence.

I lived with prejudice from within my own father's family [his mother did not 
want anything to do with us Native American brown skinned children]...even from 
my own father. Now that my Mother has passed on my father claims we are not 
Apache but he Mother was very proud of her heritage and wanted her 
children to be proud of it too and we are.

Just thought I would share some of my Native American history.

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w <> wrote:

From: zoe w <>
Subject: Re: CS>  Native American stories--OT
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 4:11 PM

Im glad you are enjoying the stories.


AHorse52251 wrote:
    Thank you for posting the group!
    I am sorry to say I am not a sensitive
person, tuned into things around me. I wish I were. I can
certainly agree with Lois in what was done to the people
native to this country. There *should* have been white
bodies hanging from trees all across this country for what
the white man did, IMO.
No other minority had annihilation attempted on them
in this country that I ever heard of. OK, I'll get off my
soapbox, not that I want to...
    Thanks again. I joined and look foreward
to the stories!

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, zoe w <>
From: zoe w <>
Subject: Re: CS>  Native American
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 1:46 PM

It is good that you are that
sensitive.   Yes  if you
listen closely you can still hear them
whisper.   I am hardpressed to
find  any place
on this continent that wasn't once
either a
campground  or
huntingground  or otherwise steeped in the
history  of
one tribe or
another.    Sleeping out under the
stars  used to put
me in touch with
the  ancestors,  wish I could still do
that sort of
thing.    I can
still sit in the woods by myself
and get tuned in
that way.


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