Excellent point Donna,

Prejudice is taught ! No one is born with it. It has to be learned and as such it can be unlearned just as well. I see it even in my own family and it makes me very sad indeed.


Donna wrote:


Glad you shared your story! It is sad the way people have been so cruel to others. I know being from Cherokee my Grandfather use to deal with alot of discrimination. He had a farm and one time a man came looking to buy a horse from my Grandfather but the man ended up not buying it saying he would never trust an Indian and would not pay him a dime for his horse. I raised my children to be respectful to everyone and not to be prejudice. I also have a handicapped daughter and young children would come up to her wheelchair and ask why she can't walk and their parents would pull them away. I would always try to answer them to let them know. I feel sorry for these kids that are taught prejudice by their ignorant parents, children are not born that way.

Donna ACS

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