Hi Katarina,

I had a similar experience...  I had a sponge with definite mold or mildew 
spots in it.  I dropped some CS onto it, and saw just about no change.  Ok, a 
little.  I thought I had goofed in my CS production.  Then, I decided to soak 
the sponge in a pool of CS.  Well, what happened is that the black circular 
spots of mold morphed, and the sponge became a plum-y shade of pink, all over.

I used some of the CS on an infected area that my son had, and it cleared up 
nicely.  He used some on a wart (per list advice - I swear this place is 
priceless) and the wart has slowly reduced itself.  

So, I'm thinking that when I put a few drops of the CS on the mold, I 
expected it to act like clorox, and respond immediately, and return to it's 
former color (which was white).  While, in fact, the sponge had to soak in CS 
to react, and the reaction color must be specific to CS, just as the 
bleaching and turning white is to clorox.

Worth .02 maybe,

<< And this was combos of the same cs that is not affecting the mold.
 Comments? Answers? Is there a better way to test?
 Katarina >>

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