Hi Katarina,

CS does work wonders on cat abcesses and you're right, they don't resolve
themselves. For CS to have the fastest effect, it needs to come into direct
contact with the depth of the wound. I know that sounds totally rude, but
cats heal from the inside out & if there is a scab over an abcess preventing
it from draining or medication from getting in, it just keeps getting worse.
When my cat gets those nasty things, I (here goes!) pick the scab, drain the
wound as completely as I can & clean the wound with peroxide. Then I use a
plastic feeding syringe (no needle: small animal & baby bird type) to insert
as much CS as the wound will hold. Then I put CS in his drinking water for
about 4-7days. The last 3 times I've tried this, he's not gone off his feed
& is fine in about 3 days. When there is no more swelling around the wound,
you know it's gone. You can also tell by the temperature around that spot.
It's pretty warm while there is an infection under the skin.


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