I totally agree!
Donna ACS

This is nothing to do with the belief or disbelief in God. It is because children are no longer taught from the cradle up, to respect other people and other people's property. There is no discipline and no deterrents, so what do we all expect? Society is reaping the benefits? I think not. dee

On 5 Oct 2009, at 02:44, Bruce Anderson wrote:

Dear Cindi:
I am 72yoa. When I was in school most of the boys, and some of the girls, carried pocket knives. We whittled sticks, cut string, etc. and sometimes cut ourselves and the teacher might give us a band-aid. The serious offenses were running in the halls, chewing gum / talking in class and paper wads.

NOW it's murder, stabbings, drugs, rape and assault and battery. But then, that is after they ask God to leave.

This nation was founded on Judeo/Christian principles
The Pledge of allegence contains "one nation under God"
Even our money states "In God we trust"

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