Seems to me that those who expect consideration and those who have none, are in the same boat with a drill in hand.


On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 20:41 -0700, Sandy wrote:
> Hi Donna...
> It is sad the way some people treat others but if we learn from it [in a good way] then we will teach our children not to be prejudice.
> The man who refused to buy a horse from your Grandfather shows how little he knew because it is a well known fact the Cherokee have a wonderful way with horses.
> I have found that many people do not know how to act around handicapped people...I feel for your daughter. I had a stroke 6 years ago and do not walk very fast and I have had people honk at me to hurry up and get across the the street...they are in such a hurry they could care less that I might have a problem walking. The funny thing is when someone tries to rush me I get excited and go twice as
> Sandy

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