I will tell you what I learned from an ozone doctor in Canada.   Normally 
one would apply medical grade ozone via the end of the hose coming out  of 
the machine but this was a sore on the back of the head on that hump
leads to the neck area PLUS it was so sore and painful that we couldn't  
have held it with enough pressure to keep the ozone on the spot. He said to  
heat 8oz water (we used distilled) dissolve 3 Tablespoons Epsom salt in  
that.  I soaked a thick wash cloth with that solution and held in in place  for 
about 30 min.  After that 
to pour hydrogen peroxide over the area then apply ozonated oil.  We  did 
this 2 or 3 times daily.  On about the 6th day we had to go on an out  of 
town trip so I did the routine before we left and then soaked a washcloth and  
put in the Epsom salt solution, put that in a baggy.  On the way home I got  
the cloth out put on the area and held it in place with a  bandana as  
always.  We we got home it was time to take the cloth off.  As we did  this, 
green corruption exploded out of the area.   It continued to  drain for several 
days but that was the end of that nightmare. 
 We also used this same procedure when he got it on a pimple on his  face 
between the nose and eye.  Both of these were delicate areas to deal  with  
where we could not get the ozone hose/funnel near.  Same  thing...after about 
3 days we were able to GENTELY squeeze the green corruption  from the 
pimple but continuing the process until that was clear.  So simple  but with 
remarkable results.
In a message dated 10/9/2009 8:27:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
dianne_fra...@hotmail.com writes:

Dear  Group

I need to ask a question for the person I have talked about  with MRSA.  He 
has continued to improve with the AMMS @ 15 drops and  using CS topically.  
Only problem is he has two sores on his arm that  won't heal.  He puts CS 
on it and it dries on top but internal is still  viable.  Should I suggest 
adding DMSO to the CS topically?  Would  the Godzilla help these sores?  He is 
getting frustrated because he got  better so quickly to come to a stand 
still on these two  sores.

Also I would like to ask does MRSA remain dormant in your  system once you 
have had the  infection?
