I agree. Try googling herx reaction, and you will see what your body is trying to do, although Marshall has described it well. There are various ways to help the body get rid of the toxins that are released when you are killing off microbes of any kind; I have found sweating to be extremely helpful for me. That can be anywhere from a sauna to hot baths (adding some kind of salt will help, either table salt, or sea salt, or epsom salts) to sitting in a hot car.

One of the most important things is to get the sweat off ASAP- our bodies will reabsorb the toxins on the skin.

Since they also get reabsorbed in the gut, emptying the gut is also very helpful, esp to get more quick relief. Some people do enemas, others using something to empty the bowels, like senna leaf tea ( epsom salt can also do that).

When I started CS I had some very severe reactions to what was being eliminated, and I had to start with teaspoons also. I can now have as much as I want with no ill effects, but it took time to get to that point.

Some find that drinking an electrolyte solution can help- something like gatorade, but home made- like lemonade but not so sweet, and with a little salt added. Water is very good, as Marshall has said. I had to use distilled for a long time, now I am ok with other water.

Drinking fresh juices can also help, but again watch the sweetness- it can feed what you are trying to kill, depending on what you have.

Many of the candida protocols have helpful info on this part of the process, so reading up on them might help, I used many of the suggestions from those; but I pick and choose, since I had other things going on too.

Good luck and best wishes,


On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

You are describing a herx reaction. It means that the CS is killing something. You can back off or not depending on how really bad it is. Remember that the herx is caused by the toxins released when you kill the microbes, and thus drinking lots of water is highly desirable to wash all the toxins out. If you drink lots of water you might find you do not need to back off.


Stacy Rappaport wrote:
Hi All, I keep trying, hopefully this reaches hte postings.

I've started using CS a few weeks ago, I got to 5 tsps, 4 xs a day but then ran out. someone sent me more and I started at 3tsps but felt pretty bad a 4. I resume CS too quickly. I backed off, stopped it and then resumed again wiht a lower dose. I'm at 4 tsps but feeling really wiped out, lost a lor fo the strength and clarity I had. Sleeping later, simply tired with aches that move around and just feeling as if all sense are dulled.

Is this when I should back down again? What is the process like? Do I simply need to wait this out ( 4tsp or 3) until I feel better? Then increase again?

ANy feedback would be so very helpful. I feel isolated.


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