-------- Original Message --------  Subject: CS>[FW][RE]Marine
Seaweed Resent-Date:
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 14:38:05 -0800 Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com Date: Thu,
15 Feb 2007 17:37:27 -0500 (EST) From: Brooks Bradley
<brooks76...@lycos.com> <brooks76...@lycos.com> Reply-To:
silver-list@eskimo.com Organization: Lycos. Inc. To:
<Silver-list@eskimo.com> <Silver-list@eskimo.com>

I have had several inquires of this type from other list members. I choose
to use this answer to Kurt, as address to all of the other inquiries.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.: Inquiry Answer

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
> Subject : [RE]Marine Seaweed
> Date : Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:00:16 -0500 (EST)
> From : "Brooks Bradley"
> To :
> Dear Kurt,
> Our Foundation does not recommend any product...for any reason...unless
there is ONLY one known acceptable source. However, on occasion----I do.
This is one of those times. The very best marine kelp we have evaluated
(throughout all of our researches), is Thorvin. This is a trade name for the
Icelandic company which collects and dehydrates this form of kelp.
>You can, by just making a Browser search (Dogpile and/or Google are very
good search engines),
>locate a number of suppliers of this, particular, marine kelp. The
principal importer is, I believe a firm in Virgina or North Carolina, but
there are a number of distributors among the various other states. One
reason this product is superior to the others we have evaluated is because
of the method employed in dehydration. The Icelanders use a "low-heat,
extended time" process powered from a splendid geothermal source. Because
the sustained energy cost is so low,
>they are relieved from any of the "flash-drying" techniques which some
others are compelled to use....primarily, because of energy costs. The
Thorvin product has almost all of the enzyme fractions still in tact, the
beautiful deep green color and the faint smell of the iodine
fraction....all, attest to a little "different-breed-of cat".
> We purchase all of our kelp in 40 or 50 lb bags. That is the smallest bulk
size offered in the trade. By purchasing this volume one may share with
other families, family members, etc.......and, quite importantly, furnish it
on a daily basis to the cats, and dog pets.
>Our record for sustaining the excellent health of the 20 dogs in our
Orphaned Dog Program----
>is quite enviable (vet costs down from $3000. to $4000 per year.....to less
than $100).......
>for four consecutive years.
> I must go know. Forgive any mis-spellings.
> Sincerely, Brooks.
>---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
>> Subject : Marine Seaweed
>> Date : Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:42:50 -0500
>> From : "Kurt Voitel"
>> To :
>>Please recommend a brand of Marine Kelp and or a supplier.
>>I can use any an all support of my body at this time.
>>This list has great contributors.
>>Thank in Advance.
>>Kurt Voitel
>>Brooks wrote:
>>Without question, in my mind, the most useful recommendation for
>>human health which I have ever given this list membership....has been to
>>encourage the inclusion of Marine Kelp in their daily diets. We,
>>categorically contend, without the full-spectrum of required minerals (in
>>assimilable form)....complete utilization of the vitamin family is not
>>possible. Kelp, alone, among present life-forms....
>>avails us this treasure for human health.