Nenah or V, do you know of coloured light helping this sort of thing?

Some years ago I read of a Spanish product where a vial of liquid is placed unopened in a glass of water and the next day (I think it was) the water is drunk, having been altered by the liquid in the vial. I can't at the moment recall its name, though I am sure I would have kept the information in a Word document. It was used for kidney stones and a variety of other problems.

I'll keep looking, but in the meantime if anyone remembers the product, they may pipe up - Nenah, it was on the Rife group, wonder if you would remember that?

The other thing is that frequency therapy such as that on "Frex" could be useful.


Here are some notes I kept, though your description sounds like something unusual - what do they say the stone is composed of?

Kidney Stones
I had a CT scan not too long ago and they found that I have a 5 mm kidney stone in my left kidney. I have never had one before and don't know what to expect. One doctor says it's big and another doctor said it isn't big at all. ??? Which one do I believe and why won't they do anything about it? Is it something I should worry about? Thank you, -Sandy
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I have read that hydrangea taken in large doses (6 capsules, 3 times daily) can help to dissolve calcium deposits in the body...bone spurs, stones, etc. I also know that drinking soda pop can cause stones. The acidity of the pop leaches calcium from bones to the blood stream to balance the pH of the pop. That excess calcium can then deposit in the kidneys causing stones. So, if you are a pop drinker, I would stop that immediately (diet pop included), but I would check on the dosages of the hydrangea with someone else here on the forum. -Andrew
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Andrew is correct. I have personally worked with quite a few kidney stone cases. They're really easy to get rid of. . . . Kidney Stones Recipe
Sure fired remedy:
6 JP-X 4 times daily 4 Hydrangea 6 times daily 2 Marshmallow 6 times daily
Drink lots of pure water with fresh lemon squeezed in it.
You start getting some relief right away, takes about a week for the kidney soreness to go away. Be prepared for your doctor to either tell you it disappeared spontaneously or is "hiding". . . . But, I assure you -- it will be GONE!!! If you are not having pain yet -- be glad. Get rid of it before you do feel it. Prevention is often to drink 1/2 gal - 1 gal water throughout the day and cutting out coffee and soft drinks, especially cola's. Many people need more Magnesium Complex daily and also B-Complex and B-6. -Georgiana
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Hi, Hydrangea-Hydrangea-Hydrangea My husband has ended up in the ER twice with intense pain from Kidney stones. By the time they got done with all of the test, it had moved so I took him home and put him on hydrangea and he never had a problem for a couple of years. The next time, he was told that he would have to have surgery because it was too far down and the doctor said the hydrangea wouldn't dissolve it but early Christmas morning out it came. I had put him on hydrangea anyway. Needless to say, several men at his work have been steady customers for me for hydrangea. -Maxine
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Q: I have a patient who has an 8 mm kidney stone in the right kidney which is too large to pass down the ureter. She has occasional blood in the urine. The stone was found by x-ray and IVP testing. The urologist wants to do lithotripsy (sound wave treatment). He says she may have to have a stint placed to pass the stone fragments after lithotripsy. I have her on the "kidney stone formula" listed in FAQ (hydrangea, marshmallow, JP-X). Has anyone used this formula or something else like it and DOES IT WORK? How long does it take to work? Does it dissolve the stone or break it apart into smaller fragments? Will she experience any symptoms? Does anyone know if there are long term side effects to lithotripsy and/or stent placement? Thank you very much for your help. -Valerie Richey
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Yes I have had customers use this program, one man took the herbs with 1/4 lemon juice every two hours and rubbed Juniper Oil in a carrier oil over his kidney area on back and on his feet. He passed a small smooth stone in less than 24 hours. He passed smaller sand size that the Hydrangea broke off too. He was in some pain but he said is was less painful than it was 20 years when he did not have the herbs. -Jan Sims
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Q: Is Hydrangea best for dissolving kidney stones. How much is safe to take? -Martha Guillory
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I just sent this to a friend of mine. Several programs you can do to pass the stones. Hydrangea 12 capsules daily - they will work on dissolving the stones. Marshmallow 4 every hour coats the stones. Drinks lots of fresh squeezed lemon in water. Another recipe is 6 JP-X 4 times a day- helps with pain and inflammation. 4 Hydrangea 6 times a day and 2 Marshmallow 6 times a day drink lots of lemon water. I would also suggest a colon and liver cleanse it eliminates toxins through the colon and reduces the load off the kidneys. Helps the liver detox and in turn aids the kidneys. After the stones have passed you can do a prevention program by taking some Hydrangea daily. Hope this helps -Dorie
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I got a recipe for kidney stones and it has worked on 2 people: at first take 12 hydrangea 12 marshmallow 1 magnesium Then every waking hour for the next 24 hours take 1 of each. Oh yes - I forgot the juice of 1 lemon in water too. Be sure to use a straw as the lemon used for a long time takes the enamel off teeth. You should drink the juice of 1 lemon in water daily to prevent further stones. -Beth
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I have a kidney stone and had lithotripsy done about a month ago but it was not successful. I have a stone that's 2mm and is causing pain on and off. The other day I started experiencing pain in my wrists, fingers, ankles and toes so I'm wondering if this is related to the kidney stones. I've never had join pain in my life. Thanks for any advice. -Janet
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We have found great results with tart red cherry juice concentrate (no sugar or dyes added) for kidney stones. just take a teaspoon of the concentrate a few times a day without mixing in water.
You can take blk cherry juice concentrate for the joints. -heather
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Kidney Stones Recipe
Sure fired remedy:
6 JP-X 4 times daily
4 Hydrangea 6 times daily
2 Marshmallow 6 times daily
Drink lots of pure water with fresh lemon squeezed in it.
You start getting some relief right away, takes about a week for the kidney soreness to go away. -Georgiana
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My husband has had Kidney Stones, twice for sure -- and possibly again, now. It takes a week to start relief -- but the Hydrangea WILL dissolve them, and the Marshmallow WILL coat them and make them easier to pass, and the JP-X will prevent urinary tract inflammation and help the urinary tract to heal where the stones have cut it. So, get him on that program ASAP. Bill is about 190 - 200#. I'm giving him 6 Hydrangea, 3 times a day -- 3 Marshmallow, twice a day and 3 JP-X, twice daily. Taking it more frequently is better. Also, don't forget that Magnesium and B-6 along with B-Complex can often help prevent stones in the first place. -Georgiana
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I started taking NSP's Hydrangea about three weeks ago but I didn't take it in high dosages. I just took four in the morning and four in the late afternoon. It helped with the pain right from the start. About three weeks later, this last Friday, I passed the stone into the urinal. The stone was under 5mm. What a great relief it was to pass it and I'm sure glad I found out about Nature's Sunshine. -Thomas
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I am SO happy for you. Had you taken more (ie, 6, 3 X Daily), you wouldn't have even known you passed a stone. The Marshmallow in the program coats the little pieces left and allows you to pass them unnoticed. Be sure to drink lots of lemon water, lay low on things like coffee and soda -- and perhaps take B-Complex and B-6 along with Magnesium to prevent getting stones again. -Georgiana
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Q: HI I have a 8 mm kidney stone, that my doctor found in November. they put a stint in me until I get insurance to have eswl done. would that hydrangea root help me pass the stone before that so i can get rid of this stint and the pain from it. I have been in alot of pain from the stint.-Deanna
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Yes - Definitely. Actually, the Hydrangea will start dissolving the stone (wouldn't even need the stint), the Marshmallow will coat it to ease the passing of the stone and JP-X is an option to prevent infection. Squeeze lemon in your drinking water (RO water) and drink quite a bit -- that will help dissolve it also.

I'll copy and paste instructions below. Then you may want to do the Magnesium and B-6 and lots of lemon water, cut out coffee and soda, to prevent getting stones again.
Kidney Stones Recipe
Sure fired remedy:
6 JP-X 4 times daily
4 Hydrangea 6 times daily
2 Marshmallow 6 times daily
Drink lots of pure water with fresh lemon squeezed in it.
You start getting some relief right away, takes about a week for the kidney soreness to go away. -Georgiana
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Q: I have been taking the hydrangea and JP=X for a week and nothing has happen how long it take to work?
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What is the dosage that you are taking of the hydrangea? I had a client who took 8 capsules, 3X daily for a bone spur, and had no pain or restricted range of motion in the shoulder 3 days later. You may try this really high dose. I'm not sure about the JP-X. Someone else on the forum may need to help you with that. -Andrew
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As Andrew said, I would increase the amount you are taking. 6 - 8 at a time, 3 to 4 times a day seems to almost be a rule of thumb for kidney stones. Also, no liquid except water and lots of it -- and squeeze fresh lemon into your water -- that will help dissolve stones also. I find slight relief starts within a couple days and it may take a week for TOTAL relief. JP-X doesn't do anything for the stones except prevent infection and bleeding from them. Marshmallow coats the stones as they dissolve and helps you pass them without pain. You didn't mention that. But, IF it's kidney stones, you definitely need to take enough to do the job. A couple at a time won't do it. -Georgiana
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This is an article by Dr. Jonathan Wright. Could the recommended dose of Super Supplemental and a few spoonfuls of Rice bran be all that is needed? Cut your risk of kidney stones down to (almost) nothing—no prescription required I'm no longer amazed by the advice given today by "mainstream" medical doctors on preventing the most common type of kidney stones (the calcium oxalate variety)––but I am still disappointed. Some doctors say to cut back on dietary and supplemental calcium, even more counsel their patients to reduce calcium and salt and to drink lots more water. A few even give prescriptions for diuretics. None of this is necessary (or helpful for that matter). Yet the mainstream seems to be turning a blind eye to methods clearly proven to help. In 1974, two Harvard researchers found that magnesium oxide (300 milligrams daily) and vitamin B6 (10 milligrams daily) could reduce the risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stones by 92.3 percent.1 Their research was published in the Journal of Urology. Harvard? Journal of Urology? What more could a urologist ask for when it comes to research? I gave copies of the article to individuals I worked with to give to their urologists, but nothing changed. The recommendations for low calcium diets just kept on coming. In 1991, the British Journal of Urology published another prevention study. During a five-year investigation, researchers determined that the use of 10 grams (less than 1 tablespoon) of rice bran twice daily after meals reduced new calcium oxalate kidney stone formation by 83.4 percent.2 To this day, not one person I've asked has been told by his or her urologist about this harmless treatment. As I said earlier, this just doesn't surprise me anymore. After all, it took the physicians at the British Admiralty over 150 years to implement one of the earliest successful scientific experiments concerning the beneficial effects of nutrition on illness—the prevention of scurvy with citrus fruit. And it took 19th century medicine more than 50 years to eliminate "childbirth fever" by simply having physicians wash their hands. Modern medicine still hasn't learned that good nutrition can prevent nearly 100 percent of toxemia of pregnancy. I could go on, but you get the idea. But back to kidney stones: The same amounts of magnesium and vitamin B6 found effective in preventing calcium oxalate kidney stones back in 1974 can be found in many high-quality multiple vitamin-mineral formulations today. To get enough magnesium and vitamin B6 from a "muliple," be sure to take the four to six capsules daily that are usually called for by the labels of these products. Add 2 or 3 teaspoons of rice bran twice daily, and your chances of a calcium oxalate kidney stone recurrence are close to zero. -Kathy
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Magnesium Complex and B-6 work just great. Take a multiple vitamin (Either Super Supplemental or Vita-Wave Liquid) or B-Complex with the B-6 to ensure not getting your B's out of balance. To contribute to the prevention, drink 1/2 gal - 1 gal water throughout the day and cutting out coffee and soft drinks, especially cola's. Fresh lemon in your water will help by dissolving crystals as they develop. -Georgiana
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For people that continue to develop kidney stones, should they stay on a low dose of hydrangea? Is hydrangea also considered a diuretic to help flush out the stones. If hydrangea can help dissolve kidney stones, could it possibly help dissolve calcium build up in the arteries. From what I've read arterial calcium can cause inflammation and artheriosis. -Randee
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I passed a large kidney stone with black cherry juice and ginger powder. There was almost no pain and only a tiny bit of blood. Dr. Hulda Clark presents this recipe in her book "A Cure for All Diseases". There is a third ingredient, I think it is hydrangea. I am going to do it again until they are all gone. -

*[Glandular, Urinary]* contains juniper and parsley plus five other herbs to nutritionally support the reproductive, digestive and detoxifying functions of the body. It also helps to strengthen the kidneys and bladder. It's an herbal source of iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, silicon and sodium. JP-X contains: Dong quai root, Golden seal root, Juniper berries, Uva ursi leaves, Parsley herb, Ginger root, Marshmallow root Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.

Hanneke wrote:
A friend of mine wrote this to me, but I don't know of a solution to her problem.

Would anyone have suggestions which could help her to remove the embedded stone short of surgical intervention?

"I don't know of anything to melt an embedded stone. One
problem is I have a defective kidney. It's called a Medullary
Sponge Kidney. I just learned a few years ago I had it. It's
a birth defect. It didn't start causing noticeable problems until
just a few years ago.

Thanks in advance


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