Thank you Brooks:)

I appreciate your repost:) You are an amazing font of knowledge and information. Hugs and kisses for you:) I have so many emails in my CS Folder that sometimes it's hard to backtrack to the right email. I guess I'm going to have to organize my CS mail folder by the subject of the body text. And that's going to be a job and a half. I have over 8,000 emails saved! I refuse to delete them. Information is a valuable resource:)


Brooks Bradley wrote:
  Dear Annie,
I believe it was, probably, me who posted the information relating to the dosage volumes (of kelp and lecithin). Actually, the most acceptable (for a majority of our volunteers) method proved to be....placing one rounded teaspoon of lecithin in the mouth and adding enough water (about one tablespoon) and swishing sufficiently to make a slurry; next, adding one rounded teaspoon of granulated kelp....followed by just enough added water to re-establish the slurry consistency. Next, just wash it all down as you, continuously dilute with additional water. Repeat the procedure a second time....for an adequate amount for the average adult. Although it sounds is not. What this method gains one is that it, essentially, eliminates any problem that would emanate from sensitive persons (pronounced gag reflex) attempting to swallow "dry" granulated kelp. The lecithin does an excellent job emulsifying the entire mixture and
negates the "hygroscopic" (water-loving) character of the granulated kelp.
By far the greatest benefit from this, particular, procedure allows the ingestion of sufficient volume of kelp---at one time---to meet ones overall daily requirements, without considerably more elaborate techniques (e.g. it would require more than 12 standard 50 mg tablets to yield an equal amount of kelp). Additionally, the quality of the granulated kelp is MUCH higher than the highly-compressed, powdered, product used in making the tablets. The lecithin was "granulated" in nature and was a derivative of soy. Any health-food or natural/health food store will carry granulated lecithin. If you are constrained by potential costs....Puritan's Pride supplement company is considerably less expensive than most others....but their product is not, necessarily, superior in any way. At least, that has been our experience. As related to using kelp as a garden amendment. We have, over the immediately-past 30 years....utilized liquid seaweed (kelp)as a standard foliage spray. Mixed at the standard recommendations (on the label) we have experienced simply, SPLENDID, results on all of our vegetables, fruit and nut trees-----EVERY year, even in drought years. One of the most convenient forms in which to obtain a very useful product is to purchase the SOLUBLE POWDER form. There are several different producers.....the most consistent quality---for us---appeared to be MAXICROP Powder.
A 16 ounce container will yield about 240 gallons of spray.
Additionally, we always add 3.5% hydrogen peroxide at about 3 tablespoons per gallon of spray mix. If we are foliar feeding for growth stimulation, we add some form of fish emulsion (strained/filtered before incorporation)). This simple amendment to our general garden protocols has demonstrated to be the KEY ELEMENT in our success. Our neighbors have commented...over the years, that we raise the most delicious peaches they have EVER tasted. And these folks are ACCOMPLISHED organic gardeners from the Biodynamic (Rudolph Steiner) School. I am convinced our foliar spraying protocol is the BIG difference between acceptable and OUTSTANDING. My apologies for such an extended post....but I have rather pronounced, visceral, positive feelings about the splendid effects of liquid seaweed amendments applied in spray form....and felt compelled proselytize toward converting others.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. We foliage spray every two weeks during the growing season (starting just before bloom....for the fruit trees). However, we DO NOT spray the fruit trees, again, until
l all the blooms have either dropped or formed fruit.

    ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

    *Subject : *CS>Just ordered my Kelp

    *Date : *Mon, 07 Dec 2009 08:40:10 -0600

    *From : *Annie B Smythe <>

    *To : *CS List <>

    Well, I just ordered my Thorvin Kelp, I got the 8

    lb bag. At 20.00 and odd change. With that much

    bulk, we plan on adding it to smoothies for the

    entire family every day. Cheap nutritional

    insurance for everybody. I'll order a bigger bag

    closer to Springtime I reckon when we figure out

    how big the garden is gonna be, and how much we'll

    need to use.

    I do have one question. LOL, who was it that mixed

    the kelp with Lecithin to swallow it? And what

    kind; was it powder or oil, or whatever? I've read

    so may emails since I read that one that I don't

    remember anything except the tablespoon of Kelp

    with a tablespoon of Lecithin? Or I think I

    remember reading that in an email on this list:)

    I've been reading so much in so many different

    places I might have read it elsewhere:/

    I'm saving to buy a bigger CS generator too. I

    want a Silver Puppy:) But that might be a couple

    of months off. We'll see.

    Has anyone tried mixing CS with their foliar

    sprays for plants in their garden? What were the



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