
So do you have Lyme?  Just curious.  I finally got tested and it was
semi-positive (positive from my online sources, but negative according to my
supposed LLMD - Bands 34 +, 41 IND).  I've been studying it for 10 months,
am on a few Lyme boards, and have read a couple of books, so I'm schooled in
the politics of Lyme.


Just wondered about the EIS curing Lyme eventually.  I've been taking it,
although not everyday, for a few months (Silver Puppy version).  I also do
the Salt/Vit C protocol, among various other supplements and herbs.  Do you
know of an EIS Lyme protocol?  I haven't heard of just CS curing Lyme,
although I'm sure it's possible.  I need something!!!  I can't afford a Rife
machine and the supplements/herbs I take are really taking a toll on my
pocketbook.  If CS can really cure Lyme, then I need to know how!  :-)


As far as migraines, mine are cyclic in nature.  I have one right before
TOM, and that is more often than not close to the New and Full moons.  This
month my migraine (which started last night and is still there this morning)
is in the middle of the Full and New moon, so maybe it is just coincidence
when it's close to the moon phases.  I took ACV last night, but a little
while later when I wasn't better, I took bicarbonate of soda.  I finally
started feeling better, but had major GI disturbances.  (Which is more
tolerable than the migraine, so I was fine with that!)  I took some ACV
about an hour ago, and it doesn't seem to be helping, so I'm going to go
take some more bicarbonate of soda now.


Thoughts from anyone would be appreciated!




From: Richard Goodwin [mailto:dickgoodwin2...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 6:03 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines....


Chronic migraines can also be caused by lyme disease.  If you have other
lyme symptoms especially, like joint pain, mental fog, and many others that
can be found on the web, it might be worth your while to get checked.  

Don't just get a lyme test from your local doc.  These tests are 60-70%
false negative.  And don't fall for the old 10-day antibiotic treatment.
That won't even the toes of the little spirochetes.

EIS will cure lyme eventually.  It may take a few months or even a few
years, depending on how long you have had the infection.
