But often the drugs given by doctors are what causes the body to stay sick, or 
become sicker.  Take vaccines for instance, nearly every single person I meet 
who had the 'flu vaccine has become *really* ill.  The doctors may not be aware 
of it, but they believe the drug companies who of course, have a vested 
interest.  Some doctors too, like my friend's who has put her on statins and 
blood pressure meds when she had neither high blood pressure *or* high 
cholesterol.  dee

Almost all disease comes initially from incorrect nutrition and/or ignorance of 
what can make our bodies sick.  Not all of course, but most. dee

On 12 Dec 2009, at 04:23, Steve wrote:

> I'm not much into conspiracy theories.
> I refuse do believe that All Doctors work hard to keep their clients ill.  
> From what I can tell, they are mostly overworked and would be happy to see 
> less of their patients due to good health.    I've had a lot of different 
> doctors over the years.   Absolutely no evidence that that any of them had 
> anything in mind other than the best care they could give me.  Of all of 
> them, my present doctor is my favorite.   He wants me well, and is obviously 
> very concerned about what is in my best interest.  
> My wife sees a lot of different doctors because she is very ill.  Her doctors 
> don't keep her sick, they don't need to.  Her body does that on it's own.
> I'm sure that, just as in any profession, some doctors do not do a very good 
> job.  I believe that these persons are the exception and not the rule.
> ---