
     Well of course it's a conspiracy.  Big pharma conspires with the FDA to 
keep natural medicines out of the hands of the populace, they conspire between 
themselves to fix prices, and they conspire with lawmakers to make sure that 
only their products are available for use and purchase.  Right now their 
conspiring with the White House and congress to keep cheaper Canadian drugs off 
of the American market.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve 
  Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 5:32 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Dentists - Lingual Nerve

        Well, I agree that we need to be in charge of our own health.  I'm a 
big believer in being self
        reliant and not trusting others to take care of us.  Of course, that is 
what's lead me to exploring colloidal silver, and other alternative therapies.

        We are constantly under assault in all walks of life by people and 
organizations who want to exploit us.  I don't think we should trust anyone who 
hasn't earned our trust.  The biggest offender in this regard is our 

        --- On Mon, 12/14/09, Richard Goodwin <> wrote:

          From: Richard Goodwin <>
          Subject: Re: CS>Dentists - Lingual Nerve
          Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:37 AM

          I agree -- for sure there are some inept ignorant people who are 
doctors and dentists, just as there are in any profession.  But doctors in 
particular largely have their hands tied, first by their education -- they 
didn't used to even recognize vitamins not too many years ago, and they almost 
universally don't recognize silver or any other alternative medicine today -- 
but mostly by the joint actions of big pharma, and their police force the FDA, 
and by the AMA.  And of course the insurance companies.  Medicine today is all 
about making the most profits for pharmas and insurance companies, and is not 
about what is best for patients.  That's why we have to be in charge of our own 

          And it's not a conspiracy theory, unless you consider that a big 
company, all of whose people collaborate to generate profits, is a conspiracy.


          From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>
          Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:30:04 AM
          Subject: Re: CS>Dentists - Lingual Nerve

          But often the drugs given by doctors are what causes the body to stay 
sick, or become sicker.  Take vaccines for instance, nearly every single person 
I meet who had the 'flu vaccine has become *really* ill.  The doctors may not 
be aware of it, but they believe the drug companies who of course, have a 
vested interest.  Some doctors too, like my friend's who has put her on statins 
and blood pressure meds when she had neither high blood pressure *or* high 
cholesterol.  dee

          Almost all disease comes initially from incorrect nutrition and/or 
ignorance of what can make our bodies sick.  Not all of course, but most. dee

          On 12 Dec 2009, at 04:23, Steve wrote:

                  I'm not much into conspiracy theories.

                  I refuse do believe that All Doctors work hard to keep their 
clients ill.  From what I can tell, they are mostly overworked and would be 
happy to see less of their patients due to good health.    I've had a lot of 
different doctors over the years.   Absolutely no evidence that that any of 
them had anything in mind other than the best care they could give me.  Of all 
of them, my present doctor is my favorite.   He wants me well, and is obviously 
very concerned about what is in my best interest.  

                  My wife sees a lot of different doctors because she is very 
ill.  Her doctors don't keep her sick, they don't need to.  Her body does that 
on it's own.

                  I'm sure that, just as in any profession, some doctors do not 
do a very good job.  I believe that these persons are the exception and not the 
