Hi Gina
Its a catch 22, you cant know if its doing anything because if you were not
taking it you might be very sick but you cant know that.
I know when I drink it everyday I dont get sick as often and when I stop
drinking it I wind up sick.
My sister uses the silverpuppy all the time and she says she doesn't get
sick as often.
CS isn't the silverbullet for every type of sickness but it does help allot.

Hope that helps.

Sam L.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Gina Moore <vegasmom...@cox.net> wrote:

>  I’ve been making my own CS for several months now and I’m beginning to
> doubt it’s effectiveness.  I drink probably a cup a day, although not every
> day, and I give my kids ½ a cup or so a day as well.  I spray it on scrapes
> and such and use it on any odd skin things.  I don’t see it really helping
> anything though.  I have a Silver Puppy and I know it is a good machine, but
> I’m just not convinced that the CS is really killing anything.  I’ve never
> herxed from taking it, even at a cup or more a day.  And I have Lyme, so I
> know I have stuff to kill!
> Just wondering if I’m doing something wrong?  I have it set to auto/AC
> currently.  I use DI water and have the heat stirrer.  Is there any way to
> test it’s effectiveness?
> Thanks!
> Gina

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
everything you have.