Hi all!  I'm new to the list and have been watching
patiently to potentially see what I need ... and
have not.  So here I come!  I have this great new
handy dandy bottle of 10PPM Colloidal Silver Solution
in my hand.  Says very little about how to take it.
Does say to take an ounce a day.  However ... I'm 
wondering when is the best time?  Early?  Bedtime?
Empty stomach?  Full?  Have not been able to find 
the answer to that one so I'm putting it out to you
wise folks.  And with the recent FDA wrangling I'm 
going to order a case AND order a silver making kit!
I used to take it years ago when I was DX with 
Systemic Candida but I don't remember much about 
it (except it was WAY expensive!  Have found a 
more reasonable source!).  Thanks in advance! 
Love,    Amy            a...@goodnet.com

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