I can't seem to find my longer email from a few years ago in which I explained about my diagnosis of MS in 1978/1979, a diagnosis I refused to accept as being for real. In spite of all the tests done, and consultations with specialists/neurologists, I just could not for whatever reason accept that it was MS. I was told I was in denial. Possible, of course, but it did not stop me from starting my own research. I read and read, for close to 9 years. My health was deteriorating whilst continuing my search. In 1988, I somehow got stuck on notions of mercury poisoning, and possibly causing symptoms similar to MS. Without much, rather none, support from doctors, I went ahead and had all my mercury/amalgam fillings removed. A big exercise as such but well worth it.

My health started to improve, my symptoms disappeared, some slow, some faster. The biggest almost immediate improvement was my eye sight. Having been blind in one eye for a while, my eyesight had returned bar colour. In the first week after the removal of mercury started, the colour in eyesight returned. This was in 1988. I was without any MS mimicking symptoms for at least 12 years with good health. The only issue I see as a permanent result of the mercury poisoning, is an impaired/compromised immune system.

When working as an ambulance officer, we were required to have the Hep B, and I didn't think anything of it. Just got them, like everyone else of the crew. After 3 months we were required to have a blood test, and I was only one out of 20 who had a test result which indicated that the vaccines hadn't taken. There was no explanation as to why my results were so different from the others. It was something like: it's rare but it happens.
I was offered a 4th vaccine and 'that would fix everything'.
That response made me stop and think, more so because I had been experiencing MS mimicking symptoms for about 3 months and it all of a sudden hit me . These recurring symptoms and the vaccines? are they related? I had learned by then that mercury/thimerosal was added to vaccines. I asked if the vaccines contained mercury. The answer was: no. The nurse was adamant about it. I wasn't interested in a 4th vaccine but got more curious, to say the least, to learn what was in the vaccines. I insisted on reading the labels if that was possible. To cut a long story short: they got what was left of that batch, read the labels, and yes the vaccines DID contain mercury, and I was NOT impressed. More so because on top of my file it actually had a warning/alert: mercury poisoning or something to that effect. Why I didn't ask before the vaccinated?? I was free of any neurological problems for so long, it never entered my head to ask about it. Simple, not smart, but that was simply it.

After this I started some serious chelation programs and I am pleased to say that once again I have been able to overcome what might have developed into something far more serious had I not asked questions and taken action myself. If this is anecdotal, it worked for me. I certainly was not looking forward to any sorts of tests I had back in the late 70's and they were wrong then. I can only guess where I would be at had I left it in the doctors'hands. I do realise that this is not the case for everyone. I am not into self diagnosing but the wisdom of hindsight helped me greatly.

This is it in a nutshell, and although I believe your warning Steve is a very valid one, in my case it was not an assumption that it was the vaccines, but the mercury in the vaccine!


At 12:53 AM 1/01/2010, you wrote:

People are always looking for cause and effect. There is a danger of being too eager to use anecdotal evidence to assign something as a cause when there are so many other things that may be to blame The problem with this kind of thing is that nobody knows if there is a correlation or not since this is 'merely' anecdotal evidence.

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