No..actually it was a conclusion jumped to without considering threshold level factors and the broader picture of sources.

The vaccine may have crossed an existing threshold for you, but by your own testimony, wasn't the major source of mercury. The chelation and amalgam removal may have brought you just below MS effect threshold. You see... 10 Tuna fish sandwiches may have done the same thing as the vaccine. But you did get the vaccine and didn't eat the how do you know?

 You don't know.

I've been using CS for ten years and haven't gotten sick, therefore "CS prevents illness". However, HAVING used the CS, you DON'T know what would have happened had you not...and you just can't do both at once to find out.

So, at best, we can draw a general conclusion about ideas.
It's a good idea to use CS....even if it doesn't work, it does no harm and it just might work, but there's no way to know on a personal basis and illness is nothing BUT personal.
It's a good idea to avoid ALL sources of mercury as best you can.


This is it in a nutshell, and although I believe your warning Steve is a very valid one, in my case it was not an assumption that it was the vaccines, but the mercury in the vaccine!


At 12:53 AM 1/01/2010, you wrote:

People are always looking for cause and effect. There is a danger of being too eager to use anecdotal evidence to assign something as a cause when there are so many other things that may be to blame The problem with this kind of thing is that nobody knows if there is a correlation or not since this is 'merely' anecdotal evidence.

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