Best to research it to discover benefits and usage, but I take a
couple of tablespoons daily in a smoothie.
Essentially it's brain food.

Many years ago, a very heavy gal in my martial arts group (newbie)
told me she was worried about her high colesterol. I suggested
Couple of months later she came up to me and thanked me, saying that
it had dropped into a happy range.

It's all good.

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet, I'm hunting tagwines !

On 1/2/2010 5:02:20 PM, leslie ( wrote:
> well, where do you buy it?? How much are you taking just to maintain good
> arteries or ???? I have to get something to get mercury and ?? out of me
> but
> so far so good but noticed my memory just goes sometimes for a min or two.
> Duh. Wonder if the soy lecithin would help that??
> Thanks,
> Leslie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 3:05 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Important question about reducing atherosclerosis
> I've used granulated soy lecithin for several decades. I buy it in
> cases.
> In my opinion, it's
> one of the wonderfood supplements.
> Chuck
> On exercise,
> Just getting over the hill was enough.
> On 1/2/2010 10:34:10 AM, Donna ( wrote:
> > I heard soy lecithin is not good for you!  They don't want it in organic
> > foods either.
> > Donna ACS
> >
> > > My father fixed a 90% blockage by taking 2T Soy Lecithin with each
> > > meal. His Dr wanted to operate but his religion would not allow an
> > > operation. Two years later his Dr said the arteries were working
> > > nor

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