And the old talcs used to contain asbestos fibers. It is a wonder the barbers didn't all die from mesothelioma. wrote:
*A powder nebulizer will need a solvent carrier and a source of pressure. You can also nebulize powders, without the help of a carrier if they are sufficiently micronized and have the proper nebulizer.* *Think of the old per-shaped insufflators used by the barber shops of yesteryears. They used to load them with talcum powder and blow it through a tiny orifice by squeezing the rubber ball and creating a huge pressure behind thesamll orifice. You may be able to find something like that in a barber shop supplier outlet.* *Any solution involving a liquid carrier becomes more complicated and is the way most asthma inhalers work.*
*Good luck*
*Frank  *

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Sunwaterclear - Sunny <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Saturday, January 02, 2010 8:47 AM
    *Subject:* CS>Re:Nebulizers

    Hi there,
I am interested in taking baking soda with a nebulizer. I have
    done a few searches on the net and am not clear on how nebulizers
    work.  One site said that you needed a compressor as well as a
    nebulizer.   Others, which offer steam nebulizers seem pretty
    clear, but are expensive and electrically powered.
I am looking for a nebulizer that is manually powered [if such a
    thing exists] that I can fill with liquid and inhale into my
lungs. I have used a ventolin inhaler for asthmatic reactions. thanks for all your valuable input.. opening my eyes even wider
    with love
    sunny x

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