I have tried several . Extreme Heath works the best for me. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa [mailto:blacksa...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 6:41 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr
Shocking Vaccine

Is there any particular chelation that works over others?

Names? Links?

I'm on a 4 week cleanse and I think when I'm through it would make sense to
do a chelation of some sort to really get everything :o)



-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:06 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr
Shocking Vaccine

Oh yes. When you start chelation, things will get worse first, unless you
really start at a low level.  The heavy metals are often sequestered where
most of them are not having much effect, and the chelation breaks them loose
where they can cause havoc until eliminated.  Give lots of liquids to try
and help get them flushed out. Also make sure that your protocol contains
not only the chelation, but transport and elimination 
elements as well, or it ill simply move around in the body.   Also the 
protocol should contain minerals to take in the morning to replace those
chelated the night before which are essential nutrients.  I am sure there
are others but we used the Extreme Health heart health one.


Tara McClintick wrote:
> That is exciting to hear.  I JUST started oral chelation with my son,
> I didn't find out about the heavy metal connection to autism until he 
> was
> years old. He is 14 now. He would be considered to be on the "severe" 
> end
> the spectrum. It is tricky, his body DUMPS magnesium (I know this from
> and years of hair testing) So many chelation protocols I have started 
> make him very, very aggressive and extremely hyper. He is ALREADY very 
> hyper,
> much larger than me, he's at 160 lbs now and growing rapidly.  To top 
> it
> we have the puberty factor, so prayers are appreciated! :)   We have just
> started a program at 1/4th the dose one would normally start at for a 
> much smaller child. I am hoping to increase increments every ten days 
> to ease into the full chelation formula. I have read and researched 
> the connection of food, diet, toxins, hormones, etc. etc. etc. for 
> years now - autism has so much to teach us all and the recovery 
> process is not always simple, especially for an older child whose body 
> de-tox system and mineral
> have been out of whack for years. My son has not been one of those 
> cases that respond to vitamin, diet changes, yeast/dysbiosis treatments,
> hoping chelation will have a more significant impact for his ability 
> to process sensory info., attend, and learn.
> Tara McClintick
> www.booksbytara.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com]
> Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:14 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>...these videos are about Autism,Robert F Kennedy Jr 
> Shocking Vaccine
> My 7 year old grandson has taken CS all his life and developed autism 
> symptoms not long after his first vaccinations, and autism by 
> preschool.  There seemed to be no effect on it at all with CS, one way 
> or the other. However in the last 3 months he has completely lost all 
> signs of autism by simply taking oral chelation. His ADD and tourettes 
> were more difficult but has responded amazingly well to restricting 
> his diet to contain no artificial sweeteners, refined sugar, colors or 
> flavors.  Despite all these problems in the past, he now appears to be 
> a perfectly normal little boy.
> Marshall
> kmartjo...@aol.com wrote:
>> *You didn't watch both video's* ...I think Kennedy comments were home 
>> school kids w/o vaccines had no autism....Amish had 4 cases...3 of 
>> cases were adopted after vaccines shots were given...the 4th was down 
>> wind of mercury plant...or something
>>   Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part2 
>>   www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjPox5xBOLI&NR=1
>>   <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjPox5xBOLI&NR=1>  ..... my question
>>   remains can CS help autism kids, what can be done to help..
>> In a message dated 1/1/2010 7:06:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
>> bloss...@internode.on.net writes:
>>     At 11:23 PM 22/12/2009, you wrote:
>>     >It was Sweden, I think, that eliminated Mercury in ALL vaccines 30
>>     >years ago, but Autism rates kept climbing there, just as fast as
>>     >everywhere else that didn't.
>>     It thought that was interesting so I did some looking up.  My
>>     findings are that they did not eliminate Mercury until 93/94, then
>>     starting to phase out the use of Thimerosal in the vaccines for
>>     children.  On the rise of autism in Sweden, that too  seems to be not
>>     quite accurate as you state. They have not been rising as fast as
>>     everywhere .
>>     If you have a source to back up your statements, I would be
>>     interested in reading that.
>>     Hanneke
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