Okay, folks! I'm glad I happened to be here and able to deal with this
more or less in real-time. I've blocked Larry until he can explain his
outburst to my satisfaction and convince me it won't be repeated.

Trem, I certainly saw nothing to justify this, so please accept my
apology as your host. <sigh>

If there are any other comments (besides Neville's <roll eyes>), please
send them to me directly at mdev...@eskimo.com ...

Thank you for your patience.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

> Trem, i don't know who you are or what you think you are. But your a
> moronic low cast dispicable low life! If you can't post a notice or
> question. In normal type and in a civil manner. I don't think you should
> be welcome here! What ever or who ever created you. Needs to put you
> back in the test tube! Regards, Larry   Thu, 1/14/10, TREM
> <t...@silvergen.com> wrote:
> From: TREM <t...@silvergen.com>
> Subject: Re: CS>A few more questions about CS production
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 1:12 PM
> #yiv1942064181 DIV {
> MARGIN:0px;}
> Sunny,
> #2   NEVER wash the production  or storage vessels with liquid soap or
> #detergent.  They contain surfactant which is very difficult to remove. 
> #Rinse with hot tap water.  Do NOT use any vessel that has contained
> #acidic items such as pickles or tomatoes.  The acid is very hard to
> #remove.  Use new vwaawls.
> I hope this helps you.
> Best regards,
> Trem Williams
> customer_serv...@silvergen.com
> www.silvergen.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sunwaterclear - Sunny
> To: Silver List
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 12:04 PM
> Subject: CS>A few more questions about CS production
> Hey all you health seekers,
> I've got a few questions about silver before I buy my machine.. as I'm
> gonna get all the associated 'stuff' as well.   1.  STORAGE I'm
> thinking I should store in glass.  I just washed out a nice apple juice
> glass bottle with a handle and thought should the glass be dark, or can
> I use clear glass with a covering like tinfoil or black paper round the
> outside to keep out the light?   2.  SILVER GEN AND THE JAR TO USE
> UNDERNEATH IT The silver gen will apparently output the CS into any jar?
>   Any recommendations - like mason jars?  I'm wondering about the
> sterility of glasses. I don't have a dishwasher.  Is it important what I
> wash my glasses in and if so what do you recommend.   3.  SILVER DOSAGE
> BOTTLES  I want to make this to keep us health and to give away to
> women's groups with a view to selling it at half the price of the
> cheapest colloidal on the market or exchanging it for other commodities
> like honey, food etc.   What kind of bottles would you recommend for
> this? Any ideas where to get them and a source of labels ?  I can
> research this but if you have something just there and can paste it..
> that would save more time.      I use MMS right now and the place we buy
> from sells it in plastic blue bottles plus a blue plastic bottle for the
> citric acid mix.    I bought some silver a while back at wholefood,
> silvergenesis, and that was in a blue plastic bottle.     Is plastic bad
> in all cases ?  should I seek out glass bottles for portioning it out.  
> 4. DOSAGE - I want to use silver as a regular daily item in our intake. 
> Is this OK? My husband made me laugh saying we might drink a pint of it
> a day. I don't think so.  Is there any recommended amount that you'd
> recommend as a daily dosage [assuming we're not plagued by a specific
> ailment in which case I know you all have lots of ideas on how to use
> silver that way]    5. WHERE TO BUY Any leads on where to find good
> bottles, low cost?  I also want spray bottles, so that I can spray my
> gums.   6. SILVER TESTING METERS  I hear you all talk about ppm and
> associated things.. and meters for testing silver. I'd like to do this
> and be able to say my silver is of x consistency.   Anyone recommend any
> good [low cost] meters.   Gosh whatalota questions... so thanks for any
> suggestions... I'm excited about this new venture in our lives..
> preparing ourselves to maintain wellness ..   A peek into our world...
> Feed the Future - Forest gardens - Sustainable Lifetime Food for All
> Feed the Future- The blog In depth articles - forest gardens, natural
> wellness, human consciousness WHAT has to happen for us to evolve and
> emerge?
> Follow us on Twitter - www.twitter.com/return2earth
> Wellness v pharma, free energy v oil, own grown v processed food,
> community v nuclear, natural building v concrete, consciousness v
> asleep  Info on what's going on and alternative and natural technologies
> for a simpler life Tune in and friend us on Facebook - Pierre Soleil
> return to earth  

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>