Hi Steve.  I run a magnet group at

It's not a busy group.  In fact, there is a second group called magnotherapy
  It also is not busy.  BUT--Peter Kulish is on my group (I think he's on
the other one too) and I feel like he is the foremost authority in magnetic
healing today.  After much research into healing with magnets I chose to go
with his information.  

His book, which you can buy from his site by itself or included in his
healing kit (I have two of the kits so in case both my husband and I need
the magnets at the same time :-) is the book used for teaching the healing
use of magnets in Japan's medical schools.  Considering that the Japanese 
have used magnets for hundreds of years, I think it says a lot that they
would use HIS book to teach their students about magnets!!  

His web site is
www.biomagscience.net   if you sign up for his newsletter there is usually a
sale listed there every month, sometimes for the full kits, sometimes for
the very few supplements he carries that he's found works great with the

As I said, our group isn't busy, but if you ask questions they get answered.

Renee--hope to see you on the list

-------Original Message-------
I've been interested in health applications, but not sure what to do or what 
advice to trust.  I wonder if there is a yahoo group for magnets.