Great Idea for dent removal.
Filing that one away...

Can I yell "movie" in a crowded firehouse??

On 1/17/2010 9:30:13 AM, Steve G ( wrote:
> My largest rare-earth magnet is 1 1/2" in diameter and 1" thick.   I
> haven't used it for medical type issues though.
> Instead I use it to remove certain dents from saxophones. (I buy, fix, and 
> resell pro and vintage horns).   I have some solid stainless steel balls up 
> to 2 1/2" in diameter, place inside the sax, and rub the magnet outside the 
> sax near the dent with a soft cloth in-between. The ball pushes the dent out 
> and with a little skill will totally remove many dents.
> I have never allowed kids to play with my super-magnets because they really 
> can break fingers and pull sharp tools and such through the air. You also 
> need to keep them at least 6 feet away from computers and folks with 
> pace-makers for obvious reasons.  It is easy to lose track and forget what 
> you are getting close to and I've
> been surprised many times by tools that refuse to stay still, or by a
> sudden adhesion to a metal surface such as a fridge.
> I've been interested in health applications, but not sure what to do or what 
> advice to trust. I wonder if there is a yahoo group for magnets.
> Steve G.

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