The first thing *I* would do is start drinking at least 1 liter of CS per day, with some DMSO in it maybe, trying to gargle it so it gets to the tonsils. I am always amazed we have this wonderful substance with so many reports of simply drinking CS in large quantities curing cancer, and whenever anyone asks a cancer question it is so rare to see anyone suggest using CS for it.

Many of the other suggestions are no doubt good and helpful, but 1 to 2 liters a day of CS is what I would do first, and keep it going along with whatever else I decided to try.

Scotty wrote:
I have a good friend that found out last week he has stage four cancer in one of his tonsils that has spread to the surrounding lymph nodes. He is going to Stanford this week for 8 weeks of radiation and chemo. Is there anything else he can alternatively do? They have given him 2 to 6 months to live if this treatment doesn't work.

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