
I wonder if you have considered Chlorine Dioxide to control the mold
in your house.  Read the article below.
A slow release CL02 system can be bought, and consists, I believe, of
sodium chlorite powder mixed with bentonite clay in a porous bag.
Moisture in the environment causes release of small quantities of
chlorine dioxide which kills the mold spores.  I would assume one
could figure out how to make them.  This is similar to the MMS
(Miracle Mineral Supplement) touted by Jim Humble.



Volume 26, Number 6
Oct 2003

Chlorine Dioxide: A Treatment for Mold in Libraries
By Kristina L. Southwell

Mold has been recognized as a serious threat to the safety and
longevity of library materials for many years. Its ability to weaken,
discolor, and destroy books and other paper items is well known.
Although most librarians and archivists are aware of mold's negative
effects on collections, many do not have first hand experience in
dealing with an active mold bloom until mold is unexpectedly
discovered in their library's stacks. In 1991, employees at the
University of Oklahoma Libraries received a quick course in mold
abatement, when mold was found growing in a book stack area.1

The mold bloom, initiated by a combination of roof leaks and
malfunctioning air handling systems, occurred in the oldest portion of
the building. The book stacks in this area house older,
Dewey-classified books on steel shelving. Low ceilings, narrow aisles
and heavy doors that close off the decks from the other more
frequently used areas of the library create an environment that often
has less than adequate airflow. The lack of good air circulation
combined with the accidental added moisture and heat produced a
climate well-suited for mold growth.

As with any situation in which a mold bloom occurs, attention was
first given to stabilizing the temperature and humidity by repairing
the roof leaks and the air handling system. When these factors were
brought under control, library workers began using a thymol solution
to wipe mold from the books. When concerns arose about possible
carcinogenic effects of thymol. The treatment was halted and a
microbiologist was consulted for advice on an alternative chemical
treatment. Library administrators chose chlorine dioxide for its
effectiveness as a sporicide, and for its safety level for library
employees and patrons.

Chlorine dioxide is commonly used as a biocidal agent in water
treatment applications, paper manufacturing, and many branches of the
food processing industry.2 It can be used in both aqueous and gaseous
forms, and has recently gained notoriety as the agent used to combat
anthrax in the Hart Senate Building on Capital Hill, and U.S. postal
facilities in New Jersey and Washington, D.C. Because of its history
of use by various industries, statistical data on chlorine dioxide's
safety is available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and
the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Agency.3

Several methods of using ClO2 were tried in the next few years, but
finally (for a particularly hard-to-treat area in a closed
collection), self-activating packets of chlorine dioxide, marketed
under the name Aseptrol."4

The small packets contain powder that reacts with humidity in the air
to release chlorine dioxide in gaseous form. A total of six packets
were hung with wire ties between the bookshelves, in a closed area
that measures about 12,000 square feet. This approach stopped the mold
bloom, and no subsequent infestations have been found in this area.

As a result of the success of chlorine dioxide in these areas, the
University Libraries continue to use chlorine dioxide packets to
control mold growth in emergency situations, as well as areas that
require regular treatment due to fluctuating temperature and humidity
levels. In the spring of 2003, a steam pipe burst under the branch
library that houses architecture materials, creating an ideal hot and
humid environment for a mold bloom. Chlorine dioxide packets were
immediately hung after the steam pipe was repaired, and to date no
mold growth has been detected.

The University Libraries also have found that chlorine dioxide packets
are particularly well suited for controlling mold growth in special
collections areas, which often consist of small, enclosed storage
areas that do not receive much traffic from library employees or
patrons. The self-activating chlorine dioxide packets can be hung and
left to work without requiring constant monitoring by library staff.
The regular presence of mold eradication chemicals in areas with
unstable environments or a past history of mold infestation provides
an added level of security for susceptible collections.

As a follow-up study, in 2000 the University Libraries conducted a
test on the library materials that were treated with chlorine dioxide
in the 1991 mold outbreak in the decks. This test was designed to
determine whether any unintended negative effects resulted from the
books' exposure to chlorine dioxide. The tests focused specifically on
paper acidity by measuring the pH levels of the paper in books that
had been wiped and fogged with chlorine dioxide, and compared them to
similar books that had no exposure to chlorine dioxide. The tests were
conducted using a microcomputer pH meter with a flat sensor electrode
attachment. The meter allowed for direct measurement of paper pH,
expressed in numeric values, and had an added temperature electrode
that compensated for fluctuations in temperature during the testing
process. A group of 250 books that had been exposed to chlorine
dioxide were compared to a similar group that received no chlorine
dioxide treatment. The results were satisfactory, showing that the
treated group's average pH registered at 5.22, and the untreated
group's average pH was 5.31. An independent means test was performed
on the pH statistics, which showed that no significant difference in
pH levels (T-value=0.943) existed between the paper of treated and
untreated books.

Many libraries with mold problems may find that proper temperature and
humidity controls and non-chemical techniques (such as book vacuuming
with HEPA-filtered machines) work just fine to control a moderate
outbreak. However, those who find that standard treatments are not
enough to stop mold growth can consider chlorine dioxide as an
alternate solution.

[Recently, OU Libraries have come to suspect that the level of the
active chemical, ClO2, has been lessened in their most recent
shipments of the packets. Individual results using this method could
therefore vary. Abbey Publications will continue to stay up-to-date on
chlorine dioxide research. -Ed.]

1. Pat Weaver-Meyers, Wilbur A. Stolt, and Barbara Kowaleski's
"Controlling Mold on Library Materials with Chlorine Dioxide: An
Eight-Year Case Study," The Journal of Academic Librarianship 24
(1998): 455-458.

2. Simpson, G.D., R.F. Miller, G.D. Laxton, W.R. Clements. "A Focus on
Chlorine Dioxide: The 'Ideal' Biocide." Online, Chlorine Dioxide Water
Treatment Resource Center. Available:
http://www.clo2.com/reading/waste/corrosion.html (accessed May 12,

3. Toxicological Review of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (Washington, D.C.). Available:
http://www.epa.gov/iris (accessed May 12, 2003): the most current
statistics from OSHA are available at
(accessed May 12, 2003).

4. These packets can be obtained from most boating supply stores,
which refer to them as "mildew control bags" for use on boats and boat

Kristina L. Southwell is Assistant Professor of
Bibliography/Manuscripts Librarian at the University of Oklahoma
Libraries, Western History Collections. She can be contacted at
Reprinted with permission from Archival Products News 10 (3)

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 6:22 AM,  <martsmai...@aol.com> wrote:
> ultra sensitive,This is what  can happen to your body after massive
> exposure,you become ultra sensitive.

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