The transducer disk is on the bottom of the smaller discharge section, about 1/4" in diameter suspended in a rubber ring about 3/8" in diameter.
You can't remove it, but you can soak it and clean it up.

Sometimes the water will cavitate and create a bubble on the disk preventing a mist from forming..usually sucking on the discharge tube will make enough of a vacuum to de-cavitate the water...sometimes less water will get things going [remove reservoir and tip a little water out]

...something about mass resonance feedback loop [??]


At 09:13 AM 2/18/2010 -0700, you wrote:
Disk? There is a disk in my medisana???
Who knew?
Where is the disk located, and will it be obvious how to get it out?

At 04:46 AM 2/18/2010, you wrote:

Ultrasonic transducers seem to have this tendency of get crudded up and operate unevenly after a while.
 Soaking the disk in 'CLR" or Muriatic Acid dissolves packed on minerals.


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