I have had good experiences with zappers. I use them in conjunction with CS. 
They are great for getting rid of almost any type of cold/flu/virus/infection 
or parasite. A couple of good ones that are inexpensive:
http://stores.ebay.com/Orgonise-Africa-Orgonite-n-Zappers Silverado Zapper- 
strap onto your wrist and go about your business
http://stores.ebay.com/Orgonise-Africa-Orgonite-n-Zappers All of these zappers 
are good: they use the traditional copper pipes you hold while zapping, very 
effective but you have to hold the pipes while zapping so you can't do much 

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Leslie" <leslie1...@windstream.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: CS>zapper
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 17:26:53 -0600

Any experiences here on using a zapper?  I am still trying to figure out the 
best way to get the silver I need. I have to get those clip things from Utopia 
for their generator but want to buy some by the foot. Checked on one company 
but they sell by the inch. that baffled me. Anyway just takes me awhile to 
figure out. Would like a water distiller also and have for a couple of years; 
hopefully can get one soon. Gets expensive buying the gallons and the quality 
stinks.  Leslie
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