At 12:46 PM 2/12/2010 -0500, you wrote:
Thanks everyone for addressing my question on the difference between brands and home made silver! Looks like I should stick with my home made. One question: Steve N. said the following

"I see nothing special about ACS. The ACS kill test data shows a 3 min.
kill time for ACS vs 60 minutes for Sovereign Silver. But ACS is 200 ppm
vs Sovereign Silver's 10 ppm. Just based on ppm alone I would expect ACS
to be 20 times faster and sure enough that is what the results show, If
ACS is diluted to 10 ppm I would expect it would take 60 minutes too.
And the 5 hours for Mesosilver is as expected too. It is known that it
takes time for silver particles to release enough ions to kill pathogens
and sure enough the data shows it.

Nothing new in the test data. EIS would be comparable to ACS if both
were at the same ppm."

Here's my question: My Silvergen machine is putting out about 12 ppm. Would flooding my body with my silver solution be just as good as taking small quantities of the ACS or and Mesosilver? Any idea how much I would need to take of the silvergen solution to have it be on the same level of the other two?

Also - I'm really sorry - I'm super spacey and don't remember if someone explained this to me: Is EIS the same thing I make with my silvergen? Or do I have to do something to my silvergen solution to make it into EIS? I remember someone saying something about adding peroxide. If so, could you share any directions? Thanks!!!!

Ode Cayote: You said "Could be Tetrasilver Tetroxide by another name." Are those two brands brownish? What is tetrasilver tetroxide, and is that a good thing or a bad thing?

## I've never bought any of any of them, but silver oxides are generally yellow to brown to black in color.
Silver Tet has a patent as a germ killer..if that means anything.
I've heard some positive testimonials and no negatives ones that I recall.



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